babysitting duty

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Ziva,Tony were at their desk talking they finished paper work and had nothing to do.

"Dinozzo, David grab your gear get Mcgee to meet us there" Gibbs says as they did and followed Gibbs to the crime scene.
"Dinozzo look round see if you can find something"Gibbs says.
" Ziva evidence I'll see what ducky thinks"Gibbs says.
"Got it"Tony says as they look round.

"Looks like she was a former marine Melissa Jenkins"Ziva says showing the woman ID.
"Isn't the only thing"Tony says as Ziva goes over to where Tony stood in a bedroom where a little girl laid asleep she couldn't be more than 3 maybe younger.

"She was a mother"Ziva says.
"It appears so"Tony says as Gibbs goes over.
"Were gonna have to take her with us Ziva grab whatever you think will need for awhile"Gibbs says as Ziva nods and starts putting stuff in a rucksack Mcgee arrived with Ducky and Palmer amd helps out

"Ziva,Tony your in charge of the child"Gibbs says
"Really can't Mcgee"Tony asked.
"Sorry DiNozzo can't"Mcgee says as he walk off.

They all soon arrive in the bullpin with the child who was holding Ziva hand Tony was stuck with the heavy rucksack.

"Abby"Mcgee says.
"Mcgee"Abby says.
"Tony and Ziva are babysitting a child"Mcgee says.
"What!"Abby says with a smirk as Mcgee explains.
"I gotta see this"Abby says.
"See what Abby"Gibbs says.
"Everytime"Abby mumbles "the little girl Gibbs"Abby says with a smile.
"After I need you to go through the evidence for me"Gibbs says.
"On it"Abby says.
"Will finish this later"Mcgee says.
"Sure even though we never actually do"Abby says as Mcgee chuckles and heads back up.

Ziva was playing with the little girl why Tony acted like he was working why he was also watching Ziva as she looked over.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping"Ziva asked.
"But you seem to have it all under control"Tony says as Ziva gave him a look.
"I'm trying to find information of the child as Mcgee gone to Abby to gossip as always"Tony says
"You know about that too"Ziva asked.
"Eh yeah"Tony says as she smiles.
"Have you found anything"Ziva asked.
"In fact I have"Tony says as ziva sat the little girl at her desk as she carried on playing having no clue about what has happened.

"Her name is Chloe Jenkins she's 2 1/2 years old mother Melissa Jenkins and father Adam Jenkins but he is apparently a marine how the two met but seems it's not going great Melissa filed for divorce two months ago and they are in court right now fighting for custody for Chloe over there" Tony says.
"That makes his a lead suspect"Ziva says.
"Yep I'm seeing family she has an aunt just outside of town her mothers older sister and her grandparents also her mother's side live 15 minutes away from her aunt"Tony says.
"I'll let Gibbs know what you found Watch her"Ziva asked.
"Ziva"Tony says.
"I'll be 5 minutes she's fine she's reading a book see"Ziva says.
"5 and then I'm coming after you"Tony says as she gave him a smile and walks off to find Gibbs.

"Story"Chloe says.
"What?"Tony says.
"She wants you to read to her"Abby says.
"Sure kid"Tony says but stays where he was the little girl stood beside him.
"You can't read to her like that Tony"Abby says picking the toddler up and placing her on his lap and then opens the book.
"Now read"Abby says as Tony sighs and starts reading the book as he read Chloe got more comfortable around him and even cuddled up with him as Abby left.

"Have you seen this"Abby says to Gibbs,Ziva and Mcgee.
"What?"The 3 say as they saw Tony reading.
"Who knew"Mcgee says shocked as he and Abby look at Ziva who had a smile as Abby heads back to lair why the others went back.

"Everything ok"Gibbs asked.
"Yeah" Tony says as he continued.
"Want me to take over again"Ziva asked.
"No were good"Tony then says as they smile and go to the desks and work why they were emoused by Tony and Chloe as she kept going back getting more books that Ziva put in her bag for Tony to read.

"Seems like somebody likes you DeNozzo"Vance says.
"Apparently so"Tony says.
"Anything"vance asked.
"Just need Abby and will most likely get the person who did this then inform family about Chloe"Gibbs says as Vance nods and walks back up to his office.

"I need to toilet"Chloe says as ziva goes over "come on let's sort you out shall we"Ziva says as Chloe took her hand as Tony watched the two leave and smile when he felt a hand slap his head "don't even think about it DeNazzo"Gibbs says.
"Too late for that boss"Mcgee mumbles.
"What?"Gibbs asked.
"I said I got something boss"Mcgee says getting a death glare from Tony as well as Gibbs.

Ziva came back with Chloe still holding her hand.
"Mcgee your with me"Gibbs says.
"We found the guy"Mcgee says.
"And"Ziva says.
"The dad" Tony says as Ziva looked down she felt so sorry for this child who was stuck in the middle of this now not having any of her parents one because he'll be rotting in jail and the other right now is in their autopsy.

"I'll give the family a call boss"Tony says.
"Ok DeNazzo"Gibbs says as Tony heads to his desk.
"Story"Chloe says going over to Tony.
"I'll call them"Ziva says as Tony nods picking the toddler up as they sat back in their position and he reads to her again as Ziva headed to her desk making the call.

"Hi this is special Agent Ziva David from the NCIS" ziva says as she explains everything to Chloe's aunt and after the call she looks up to see not only was Chloe asleep but so was Tony as she smiles.

"Now that is adorable"Abby says.
"Yeah it is"Ziva says as the two girls smile as Abby heads back to her lair.
"Coffee on the table"Abby says.
"Thank you Abby"Ziva then says.

Hours later Gibbs and Mcgee finish with the father of Chloe and head back to see Tony asleep at his desk and Chloe asleep comfortable on his lap.

"I have to be in some different universe or something"Mcgee says.
"Why so surprised Mcgee"Gibbs says.
"I called the family Chloe aunt will not beable to come until the morning"Ziva says.
"That's fine"Gibbs says as everyone stayed over night doing paper work about the case.

The next morning.

"Morning"Ziva says handing him coffee the little girl was still asleep on him.
"Cheers"Tony says.
"She seems to be very fond of you"Ziva says.
"Apparently so"Tony says as she also has two muffins.
"One is for Chloe to"Ziva says as Tony nods.

Ziva starts packing Chloe stuff away as Chloe woke up Tony let her sit on his chair why she ate her muffin and drank her juice Ziva bought her for breakfast.

"Boss Chloe Aunt is here"Mcgee says.
"Ok Chloe come on"Gibbs says as he takes her down.
"Nice work DeNazzo,David" Gibbs says.
"Thanks"The two say with a smile it was definitely an experience the two will never forget.

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