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Ziva was getting closer to her pregnacy only having 8 weeks left.

"Ziva how are you"Bishop asked.
"I'm good have you seen Tony"Ziva asked.
"No everything ok"Bishop asked.
"Yes its just well hes acting weird like hes planning something"Ziva says.
"Well knowing Tony he probably is"Bishop says.

"Tony"Mcgee says walking over why he was with Gibbs heading up to MTAC.
"Yes Probe"Tony says.
"What you up to"Mcgee asked.
"Why do you want to know McNosy"Tony then asked.
"Ziva knows something is up and your planning something"Mcgee says.
"How the hell would be planning something half way through an investigation Probe"Tony says as he leaves.

"Alright spill what are you up to"Gibbs asked.
"I'm trying to start the nursery i mean we dont have that long"Tony says.
"Well if you need a hand Dinozzo i could always help out"Gibbs says.
"Would you i would ask probe or even Palmer because the time we work im not gonna get it done"Tony says.
"Of course"Gibbs says as Tony smiles.
"Thanks boss"Tony says as they get back to the investigation.

2 weeks later.

"wow Boss thanks your pretty good at this"Tony says as they finally finish the nursery.
"Well i did have to decorate a nursery myself a long time ago"Gibbs says.
"Oh yeah want a beer"Tony asked.
"Sure"Gibbs says as the two sit on the sofa Tony says as they cling their bottles together.

Ziva walks in from shopping with Abby and Bishop.

"wow"Tony says.
"Hey"Ziva says.
"How much are you buying"Tony says.
"This is practially everything for until shes born"Ziva says as Tony takes the bags off her as Ziva smiles.

"Gibbs"Ziva says.
"Had fun"Gibbs asked.
"Much thanks its great to see you spending so much time here"Ziva says.
"Yeah well we just finished the investigation so had a beer i should get back got a boat to continue on"Gibbs says kissing Ziva forehead.
"See you boss thanks again"Tony says.
"Goodnight"Gibbs says as he leaves.

"Why did you thank him exactly"Ziva asked.
"well he kinda helped me with something"Tony says.
"Oh yeah"Ziva says.
"Yeah want to see"Tony says as Ziva nods.
"Yes"Ziva says as she takes Tony hand and he leads her to a bedroom and opens the door as Ziva gasps.

"Tony"Ziva says.
"Do you like it, Gibbs helped me out with it he even made the chair"Tony says as Ziva nods a tear fell.
"Are you crying"Tony asked wrapping an arm around her.
"Hormones Tony this is amazing thank you"Ziva says kissing him.

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