Undercover gone wrong.

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Ziva was undercover for the night, Tony hated her being undercover unless he was with her he with Mcgee and Gibbs were on stand by though he promises Gibbs to be professional at Work it isnt easy especially when its the job them two do.

Tony and Mcgee grabbed coffees it was apparently gonna be a long night when Tony gets a phone call.

"Hello"Tony says.
"Tony" Ziva says coughing.
"Ziva are you ok"Tony says and mouths to Mcgee to call Gibbs as he Calls him as he traces her phone.

"No the guy he trapped me in some warehourse that isn't me in there"Ziva says coughing.
"Ziva where are you"Tony asked as
"I i dont know"Ziva says coughing Mcgee went to traced her phone.

"Tony hurry he started a fire ahh"Ziva says as she screams.
"Ziva,Ziva"Tony says as they got disconnected.

"Got a trace"Mcgee says as they saw on his computer as Tony grabbed everything as ran.
"Wait"Mcgee says as Gibbs walks dowm.
"Is he gone again"Gibbs asked and Mcgee nods as the two leave.

Tony arrived and with no hesistation ran into the burning building to find Ziva.

"DiNozzo god damn it"Gibbs says.
"Don't even think about it Mcgee"Gibbs tells him as Mcgee called fire department and ambulance.

"Tony where are you"Mcgee asked just as he saw somebody coming out.

"Tony"Mcgee says running over he had Ziva in his arms.
"Is she breathing"Gibbs asked.
"Yes"Tony says as he puts her down.
"Its ok Ziva your safe now"Mcgee says.

Tony went to the hospital with Ziva why Mcgee and Gibbs headed to find the man repsonsible for the fire.

Ziva woke up in the room.

"Hey"Tony says.
"What happened"Ziva asked.
"Undercover didn't go as plan but its fine Mcgee and Gibbs have the guy"Tony says as Ziva nods.

"Are you ok"Ziva asked seeing he must have been involved.
"Yeah i'm fine how you feeling"Tony asked.
"Ok"Ziva says as he nods.

After running test turns out everything was fine as they headed home.

"Oh thank god your ok"Abby says and hugs her she was with Mcgee who walks off after being on the phone.
"Tony called you an hour ago that i'll be discharged soon"Ziva says.
"You didn't get told, Ziva your apartment has been burnt down"Mcgee says.
"WHAT"Tony asked as he walks out with their belongings.

"Who would do that"Abby asked.
"We don't know Gibbs and i will find out"Mcgee asked.
"Come on lets take you home"Tony asked.
"Where"Ziva asked.
"With me half your stuff is there anyways"Tony tells her as the four walk off.

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