Who Now.

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Ziva looked at Tony who looked on the screen.

"Why the hell would your mum wanna hurt you"Tony asked.
"I do not know"Ziva says.
"Did you even know she was in DC"Mcgee asked.
"I have not spoken to her in a long time"Ziva tells him.
"Then how did she find you"Abby asked.
"More importantly why has she found you and what does she want"Gibbs says.

"Lets get to work"Gibbs says as Tony and Mcgee follow Gibbs out as Ziva staired at the photo infront of her.
"Are you ok"Abby asked.
"Yes"Ziva says as she turns round and heads out of Abby's lab.

Tony and Gibbs head off when Ziva came up.
"Where are they going"Ziva asked.
"We found your mum"Mcgee says.

"How long"Mcgee asked.
"How long since what Mcgee"Ziva asked.
"Since you saw your mum"Mcgee asked.
"Very long time not since i was a little girl and my parents seprated"Ziva says.

"How old was you then"Mcgee asked.
"11"Ziva says "wait no i last saw her at Tali funeral that was sometime ago"Ziva says.
"Were gonna get to the bottom of this Ziva i promise"Mcgee asked.

Tony and Gibbs.

"Hands up"Gibbs says the woman tries to run.
"You heard him"Tony says.
"Who are you"The woman asked.
"NCIS"Gibbs says."Can you come with us we'd like to ask you some questions"Gibbs asked.
"No and you can't make me"She says and went to walk.

"what about Ziva"Tony asked.
"Ziva how do you know my daughter"She asked going over to him pointing a gun.
"You were mossad too huh"Tony asked.
"No but because i did marry the directer of mossad i need protection"She tells hj..
"Now answer my daughter"She asked.
"I'm her partner she works at the NCIS with us please"Tony says as she puts the gun down and they head back.

Abby,Mcgee,Ducky,Palmer were watching Tony and Gibbs in the interigation room as Ziva walks in.

"Is she here"Ziva asked.
"Yeah there just about to start"Palmer says.
"You don't have to watch"Mcgee asked.
"I do"Ziva says as they begin.

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