House hunting.

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Ziva was now 28 weeks pregnant which was 7 months and everything was definetly becoming more real for both her and Tony.

"Wait your leaving"Abby asked.
"No well moving as much as i love the apartment Tony and i realised that it is just a one bedroom apartment its not at all big enough for us esepcially when she arrives"Ziva says.
"Oh thank god i thought you meant leaving this place DC"Abby says.
"No way your our family if ever we moved wed still stay here"Ziva says.

"So have you found a place yet"Abby asked.
"No we've looked at some but we havent liked any of them yet were looking at another one tomorrow hopefully that will be the one we want to he moved in and settled before she arrives"Ziva says.
"Good idea"Abby says.

"Abby evidence for you"Bishop says.
"Thanks Bishop"Abby says.
Well thats my cue to get to work talk to you later Abby"Ziva says.
"Definetly"Abby says as Ziva walks out Bishop soon behind.

"So what are you guys gonna do with your apartment i mean you own it"Mcgee says.
"Put it up for sale probably"Tony says.
"Right"Mcgee says as Ziva and Tony look at eachother.
"What have you got"Gibbs says as they deal with the investigation.

Next day.

"wow"Ziva says.
"Not a bad place huh"Tony says as Ziva nods it was a perfect size especially for 3 and if they had guess the was plenty of room if they did.

It was a home with two bathrooms and four bedroom and backyard it was definetly amazing.

"What do you think"Ziva asked.
"Well i know we can definetly afford this place if thats what your asking"Tony asked.
"No i mean do you like it"Ziva asked.
"Do you"Tony asked.
"I do but its not just my decision now is it"Ziva then adds.
"Well your in luck because i do like this place"Tony says.
"Like it enough to live here"Ziva says.
"Yep"Tony says as Ziva smiles.

They end up buying the place and they are told they can start moving in when everything is complete around in 2 weeks.

"So were engaged, were having a baby and we got our own place whats next"Tony asked.
"Marriage"Ziva says.
"You still want to wait till after shes born"Tony asked and Ziva nods "you dont mind"Ziva asked.
"No aslong as we do end up getting married one day"Tony says.
"We will"Ziva says.

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