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If you love someone,
you should not regret.
If you love someone,
make it true and never hurt him/her.
If you love someone,
Make her/him special in your heart.
If you love someone,
forget everything from the past, enjoy the present and start planning for the future.

Agnes's POV

I just fall in love with a man whom I gave all my trust...
He's my prince,
My partner in crime.
The love of my life and my forever...
I thought that we had the best love story but it just ended in a saddest chapter.
I'm tired of hurting myself,
Expecting, and assuming.
It's time to fix my broken heart and look for someone who'll not regret that he loved me.

Jerry's POV

Regrets always comes at the end.
I regret that I left her...
I know it hurts her a lot especially to me.
I just want to find myself and I'll comeback to her where it all started.
My love for her never fades,
She's still the owner of my heart and no one can replace.

21 years later...

San Francisco

The place where it all started...

Agnes's pov

This is the place where it all started,
I met him here standing alone.
Gladly I saw him and doing some chitchats.


I'm finally here at the top to watch that bridge.
As I was standing there,
I saw a pinoy.

I greeted shyly

He turn around and saw me waving my hand.

He said while smiling showing his cute dimples

Oh gosh! This man is so cute!

"uhm, are you a filipino?"

"ahh yes i am, isn't obvious? Haha!"

"oh! Okay! Haha!!"

"uhm, what's your name nga pala?"

"I'm Agnes Salonga, and you are?"

"Jerry Muhlach"

And we shake our hands.

"hmm, what's your work here?"

"I'm a manager"

"of what?"

"manager of some filipino artists, ikaw ano trabaho mo dito?"

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