Chapter thirty two

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After day drinking with Layla and Taylor, we decide to go out on campus. There's always different parties happening and I recently got a text about a big one going on right now. We all begin to make our grand transformations. Full faces of makeup, curled hair, sexy outfits. It's funny what a little, or a lot, of makeup can do. Jessica meets up with us and we head out.

We all cram into Taylor's car and make our way to this party that is supposedly amazing. I look around at each girl. We each have a cup in hand, getting one last drink in before we get there. The music is blasting. Each of us screaming each word to the song.

Once we pull up, I realize the text wasn't lying. People are everywhere. At least a hundred people are walking around with beers, standing outside smoking, filing into the door. This party is big. Layla turns our music up and Taylor drives slowly through the crowd trying to find a parking spot.

We each roll our windows down. It feels like we are showing off. Showing off the song about women shaking their asses or showing off how good we each look, or how good we look as a crowd. The whistles and cat calls follow suit. I see a crowd of boys walking towards the party. All of them smiling and I lock eye contact with one. He's taller than the rest of his friends and dark as the night sky, but his smile shines bright as he bears a full toothy grin back at me, never breaking our connection until Taylor drives us out of view.

"There's no parking anywhere," Taylor says angrily while she slams her hand to her steering wheel. That boy was cute. I'm going to find him and say hi. I'm feeling good, confident even. A little booze-induced confidence never hurt anyone.

"There's one," Layla says pointing ferociously up ahead. We each step out of the car our last drinks still in hand.

"Cheers," I say while lifting my cup up and outwards. The other three girls follow and cling their drinks against mine. "Now chug," I shout. And we all gulp down every ounce of what used to be a margarita. Had they not melted to this odd warm phase, we all probably would have gotten brain freezes. We've been drinking steadily all day, but I still don't feel very drunk. Maybe a slight giggly buzz.

We adjust ourselves, check each others teeth, make sure our skirts are at the right lengths, do the boob scoop, and then we start walking towards the party. Again, we begin to hear whistles and boys calling for us. I feel myself blushing, but I pretend I am too cool to notice, never looking in the direction of the hollers. I keep my head looking forward, strutting as well as I can in my five inch stilettos, and wave my hips back and forth. It feels good to be the object of desire.

The closer we get, the louder the music gets and the fuller the crowd is. By the time we get to the door, I can feel the bass pounding through my entire body and I have to maneuver through the crowd to get in the door. I grab Layla's hand, she grabs Taylor's, and she grabs Jessica's. I pull them behind me as I wiggle through the crowd, trying to find the kitchen because there are always drinks in the kitchen and if I'm going to go find that boy, I need to be drunk.

Someone grabs my arm along the way. I was let down when she wasn't that boy. She is Lacey's younger sister and by the way she is stumbling around, she is very intoxicated. I've never seen her drunk. I think she is still in high school, unless she graduated this year? I don't know.

"Hi Raquel, I haven't seen you in forever."

"Hi Emily," she says through a smile. Her face quickly changes. She pulls me to the dance floor. Her smile has disappeared and her brows have furrowed. I follow, it must be serious. Maybe something happened to her. She points to someone, but their back is turned. "Does he look like he's on drugs? Lacey told me a rumor that he's on drugs." I wait for him to turnaround so I know who we are talking about. Tyson. He is dancing, laughing, singing along to the music.

"He seems fine to me. I don't know him well enough to tell. He looks normal. I don't think he is." I have not been around many people who have been on hard drugs. I don't know the signs. I guess I'm not much help.

"Are you sure?" She asks, staring, biting her lip. She looks pained.

"I'm not sure. I don't think so though."

"Ok, thank you. I'm leaving now. Nice seeing you."

"Bye lady," I say as I give her a little one arm hug. She's always been a sweet girl. It's just weird to be friendly with the little sister to the ex friend who slept with my ex boyfriend. It's all weird.

I look around. I have lost my friends. This dance floor is crazy. It looks like an orgy happening. Dirty dancing, women so close to men, their movements in tune to that of their partners.

"I found you," I hear behind me while I feel a tap on my shoulder. He's even taller than he looked on the street. He towers over me. I look up to him, clean shaven face, and there's that smile again.

"Hi," I say with a slight smirk and big eyes. I feel my heart begin to flutter.

"Want to dance?" He asks me. Oh god, he wants me to join the orgy.

"Let's get a drink first then we can dance."

His smile stands. Such a beautiful big smile. He grabs my hand and leads me to the kitchen. I follow him, looking him up and down. He's skinny, very skinny, but he's dressed cute. A nice dark wash jean, a blue button up shirt. His hair is all lined up in what looks like a fresh cut. He has a nice butt. I see my friends. Taylor gives me a thumbs up, Layla mouths the word 'yes' to me. But still I continue following him as he leads me further in. He grabs me a beer and hands it to me. I hate beer, but if it's the only thing here, it'll have to do. I take a drink.

He moves closer to me bending to reach my ear and says, "So what's your name?" And then stands back up straight. I stare at his large lips. I can feel his eyes scouring my body now too. I take a larger drink. I feel myself beginning to fiddle.

"Emily and yours?" I yell over the music. He's leaning on the counter and seems too cool. He's enjoying my nervousness. Or maybe he can't tell and he's just enjoying me.

"Freddy," he breaks his smile to slightly lick his lip. I don't think he did it on purpose. The tension feels so high. I pull his hand and start leading him back to the dance floor. My anxiety couldn't handle that.

"Come dance," I yell to my friends as I pass them. If I'm going out there, they are too. They follow us. I join the crowd and back my butt up into his manhood and start bump and grinding with him. My friends surround us and start dancing. Each of them being picked up one by one by a boy who wants to dance too.

We dance and scream the words to songs and get silly and head bang and have fun. So much fun. Freddy's hands running up and down my hips, but never being inappropriate. He is fun too. He joins us in our silliness. Singing and laughing right along with us.


We've danced for at least a couple hours. The party seems to have dissipated, but we still have had a blast. I never want to be last at a campus party. It loses its magic when you look around to drunk girls passed out on the ground or the absolute disaster the houses becomes; drinks, cups, puke everywhere.

I turn around and wrap my arms around Freddy's neck and dance with him while looking into his eyes again. His dark brown eyes looking into mine and smiling. Now would be the perfect time for a kiss. Maybe I don't want this to be just another guy. Maybe he could be something, someone more than just a party kiss.

"Give me your phone," I say.

"Why?" He asks while laughing. I only smile while continuing to sway my hips. He reaches into his pocket and hands it to me. I type in my phone number.

"You better remember my name," I say, kiss him on the cheek, grab Layla's hand and pull her through the much smaller crowd and out the door.

"Let's go," I say to my girls.

***Author's Note***

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