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This place wasn't as dingy as the last.   It was more cozy and comfortable.  I understood why if he thought I was like them he'd bring me here.    He doesn't lock the bedroom door.  He knows I can't get away like this.  The door downstairs has like five locks on it and the windows on the first and second floor have bars on them.  Currently I would rather be here than home.   My uncle probably misses me.   Well misses what he does to me.  I put on the pants that were left for me and the baggy t-shirt.   Honestly I felt a thousand time better being covered up.   I looked out my window.    Three stories would be to far of a drop.   The woods I could easily navigate through as long as that beast isn't after me.   The TV was on and I started to pay attention.  I sat on the edge of the bed and flicked through channels until I got to the news.   Meanwhile downstairs I could here him arguing with himself.  It was muffled, but the tone changed between Hedwig, Dennis and Ms. Patricia.    I could tell distinctly who is who.  Hedwig is high pitched and childish.   Ms. Patricia is soft yet stern lady voice.   And Dennis, angry.  

The news broadcasted pictures of Kevin Wendell crumb.    Then the three girls.  Mine was last.    It talked about how the other girls were brutally murdered.  How only a monster could do that, and he was still on the loose.   Then my picture flashed as still missing possibly dead.   Then my uncle was on the screen.  He was pleading
"Kevin if you're watching this please bring my Lil girl home.   She's all I have.   I'm all she has." I turned the TV off and cried.  He was a liar.   He probably wants me returned home alive so the coroner won't see my scars.   The years of abuse.    If I go down he knows he'll come with me, but if I'm alive maybe his ass will be saved.    I should have shot him.    If I did then when dad died I would've went with my great aunt in california.    I wouldn't be in this mess.    I wouldn't have watched my friends die.   I wouldn't have I bite in my leg and the man who did it just a floor away.   I should've just killed my uncle.  

I stared back out that window.   Not a house in sight but there was a clearing were trees stopped about a few miles in.   Maybe I can get there.  Maybe there's a camp sight.    Maybe I can get someone to save me.  

I heard footsteps up the stairs, and my door opened.   Who would it be?

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