Hi Dennis

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This night he couldn't spend with me.   He had to go into the office and work desk duty.  He was getting far behind in paperwork.  

I spent the night alone.  At least I knew I was but I had this feeling I was being watched.   

I closed all the curtains knowing it was my own paranoia getting the best of me.  Dennis had no idea where I was.  He couldn't be watching me.  Could he?  I know the fact Chris isn't here must have been the reason I'm so on edge.  

I decided maybe a bath would calm my nerves.   I started the water so the tub could fill up.  

I wondered the house and went to the kitchen.   I grabbed the jug of soda out of the fridge to poor myself a glass.  I felt a breeze.   I looked over and the kitchen window was open. Why was it open.   The curtains fluttered like a flag in the breeze.    Back and forth a constant reminder the damn window was open and that I am vulnerable.  I quickly shut and locked it. 

I didn't open the window.   Why would I? Maybe Chris did, but Chris isn't that stupid.   Maybe I should text him and ask if he did it.  Was it him?   

I looked around for my phone.  Where could it be. I looked around and checked the last place I left it.  On the coffee table.  It was gone.  I could have sworn I left it there while I was watching tv.   Where could it be.    I'll admit my heart started pounding.  I froze.  I could feel a breath on my neck.  Someone was behind me.   Someone was probably and inch from me.   Someone was in here.  

"Dennis?" I whispered. 

"I still love you, Casey." He growled.   "I hate you so much for what you did, but I still love you."  He growled.  It was Dennis, but it sounded so much like the beast.  I turned around slowly.  I looked up to him

"Hi Dennis." I said quietly still in shock he was here.   He just proclaimed his love for me after I turned him in.   "Dennis. You need to leave." I said and hung my head and avoided eye contact with him.  

"I'll leave if you come with me." He said. 

"No.  I saw you killed more girls, you're a murderer.  I'm not going with you." I said and slowly backed up.  He inched closer with every step I took back until thud.  I hit the wall.    I looked at Dennis.  He looked like him.   Big, dressed perfectly.   He looked angry though.  It was like Dennis but it was also part the beast.   Dennis did carry himself in that manner he was now. 

"Casey, you are lucky you are not one of the girls I killed." He said harshly as he slammed his fist against the wall next to my head.  "You're lucky I don't go out and hunt your little boyfriend.   I saw you fucking kiss him.  You know you're mine, Casey.  You know you are mine."  

"I don't belong to you.   And Chris isn't my boyfriend.  He protects me from you." 

"He isn't doing a very good job." He he growled and grabbed my waist.  He lifted me and pinned me against the wall.  He pulled my legs around his waist.  He pressed against me and when back to gripping my sides.  "Casey, do you really think he will love you.  Do you think he will appreciate your body like I do.   Every scratch and cut and scar.   The ones you got from your uncle.  The ones you caused you're self.  Also the ones I made.   I love every inch of you.   He will only love you when he can't see what's underneath your clothes."

"Shut up." I mustered up and started crying.  I was close to the alarm system. I reached my arm out but was to far from it.  

"Casey.   I am the only one who worships you.   I saved you from the river cause I can't live with out you.  You're so pure and perfect.  My queen.   I'd do just about anything for you." He said and leaned in and started kissing my neck.   That's a familiar feeling.  My legs gripped him tighter. 

"No.   No.  Dennis you would do anything to keep me.  To take me when I'm happy, keep me trapped.   You wouldn't do anything for me.   If you'd do anything FOR me you'd leave me alone..." it hurt to say that.   It hurt me to ask him to leave.   I still love that monster.   He dropped me on the ground. 

"Casey, you'll come with me.   I will take you with me the second you tell me to.  I'll be back casey.  I'll show you that I'll do anything for you." He said and opened the door to leave.  He punched in the code to stop alarms.   How does he know the damn code.  I sat there on the floor and watched him leave.   I got up and i hit that alarm button.   I saw water running on the floor down the hall. 

Shit the bathtub.   I'm gonna have to clean that shit up.   I turned the tub off and grabbed all the towels and threw them on the floor.  I got on my hands and knees and started cleaning the floor.   There was water everywhere.   I had to drain the tub and keep ringing the towels out. 

About ten minutes later I was still sopping up all the water.   I heard the front door slam open.   Was Dennis back.  Did he decide to take me?  Chris came running in with his gun pulled. 

"Casey, are you okay?" He asked reaching out a hand to pull me to my feet.   I leaned on him and hugged him.  He holstered his gun.  

"Dennis was here.    He came back.  He wants me back." I whispered.  He slipped his arms around me. 

"Casey.   I'm sorry I wasn't here.    Baby, I won't let him take you away again.  I'm so sorry.   Please forgive me.  I should have never left you." He said and stroked my hair soothengly.  

He called it in on his walkie talkie that Dennis was in the area.  I let go of him and went back to cleaning.  He grabbed a towel and got on his hands and knees and helped me clean up the water. 

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