I love You

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Being with him oddly gave me this sense of safety.   Safe from everything else, but not him.   I say in my room alone thinking.    Why was the beast so important.  Why wouldn't Dennis just run away with me.  Leave those girls alone.  I was doing all this for them not me.   At least that's what I told myself. 

I sat on my bed thinking.   Why did the world set me up like this from monster to another who needed saving from himself.  I snapped out of my thought when Dennis came in my room. He fixed the wrinkles in the bed before he sat there, at the foot of my bed. 

"What's wrong Dennis."  I asked.  I knew something was wrong.

"I love you Casey.   We never let Kevin near girls.  He avoided them himself.  He didn't need to be mocked by them.   But if this all blows over.  The beast that is.  If he's satisfied after the next batch I wanna take you somewhere.  Just us, and you." He said

"No Dennis.  Let's go now.  We can free those two and make a run for it.  You know you'll keep grabbing more girls." I pleaded. I slept in this morning, and started putting two and two together.   You took more?" I tried not to cry. 

"Only three for now casey.   You can take care three right ?" He asked.   I nodded.

"Dennis... I don't want to help you hurt them." I said knowing I was taking care of them so he could kill them all.

"Casey please stop.  I need you to be a good girl.  Don't fight it.  I've told you that this isn't a discussion." I didn't want to hear it.  I moved and grabbed his shoulder and pushed him on his back.  His legs dangled over the edge.

"Dennis.    You're not saving them." I said and straddled him.. "those girls are being tortured.   You let me live because you saw I was fucked up.  You're fucking these girls up.  Isn't that enough?   You've scared them and taken them from their home.   Dennis my uncle raped me.   He beat me and hurt me. He did aweful things.  Now you're doing the same to those girls. " and to me but I didn't say that.  "My uncle said he did those things because he loves me.   Your mom probably hurt you because you were misbehaving and she wanted you to be a good boy.    You're doing these things and claiming it's to save them.  Dennis you are no better than my uncle, or your mother." I said and was instantly pushed off him.   He was quickly over me and pinned me down.  

"If I'm so bad why didn't I kill you? Why don't I beat you everyday.   Why don't I just fuck you right here as long as I want without asking you." I looked up at him.  His glasses were falling off. "Well?!"

"Because you are better than them.   You just have to act it." I said.  I didn't fight him.  He was to strong.   He stood up and paced a bit

'Ahhhhhh' he screamed harshly. He was so mad.  He walked over to the wall and punched a hole in it.

"Dennis.... babe, calm down." I said curling up on the bed.   I didn't need that anger pointed at me. 

"God dammit casey.   Why are you like this.   I want to stop because you asked me to.  I do but I can't.  This isn't my decision! I want to just be you and me and sex and cuddling.   I enjoy that.  I really do.  I like that you want us.   ALL OF US.   But you can't protect Kevin.  This is for him." He screamed and shouted as he kept pacing and glancing at me. 

"I can't protect him.    I know.  I mean you're stronger than me, but I can love him.    Dennis.   I can love him. " I slowly got up and he stopped.   I walked up to him.   "I can love him, like I love you.   I love you Dennis." I said and set my hand on his cheek.   .

"I love you casey." He said before walking from me and out the door and slamming it.  

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