New identity

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He walked through the door and shut it.
"Hello.  I over heard one of your friends call you Casey? Yeah.   Okay so listen we are all trying really hard to help you. M'names Jade.   We don't like the hoard, that's the three of them since they got Hedwig but the other 20 of us care.   We can't do much.  We just -"   I met Jade once before.   I know It was her based on the tone of voice and facial expressions.  I recognized Jade from the video clips.  When Kevin told me to get his gun and shoot him then Jade popped up and said he didn't speak for all of them. 

"Fucking God, I'm sorry excuse the language darling, listen I'm sorry about all of this I did the best I could on the clothes.  We only get moments here and there in the light.  There's no Internet and no phone, so I can't do much for you.  We're trying though, hun." He said with a sigh.   "I don't like when they get power either, I mean just the way they dress alone is aweful.   I'm sorry about your friends dear.   Just know your safe for the most part." Berry had the light that much I could tell. 

"Who was that old lady?" I asked.  She seemed important.  She helped me.  I know she must have wrote that note.  I think the beast would have killed me before he could see how, broken I was.  I know he would have.   But I'm 'special' so I got to live.   How cruel is that, I lived because my uncle beat, and abused and used me.  My friends died because their family actually cared and loved them.   Actually I'm sure they didn't see me as a friend.  I didn't really see them as one either.   I went to the party because it got me out of the house, away from my uncle.  

"She was our doctor.  She loved us all. She cared about all of us.  Even Dennis, and Ms. Patricia.   She didn't know the beast was real.   She thought it was a scary story our mind made up.   I took over because I can keep a job, I took care of us.   Hedwig has more power than any of us.  He can take the light when he wants.   We have to wait until he's 'sleeping'  we only have a little while to try and help you.   I'm not sure what exactly we can do but we'll try our best.   The doctor was our only family beside eachother.   She wanted to protect us and show the world we are real.  Not a monster, not fake.   We are all real people and we all care for Kevin.   We just need to protect him." He said walking around the room gesturing with his hands.  His personality stood out.   "Listen sweety, well get you home sooner or later." He said turned back and went to the door.  He opened it to leave and froze.  His back straightened and his shoulders broadened. 

"Don't listen to him, I like you here." He smirked and I knew Dennis was back.   He walked through the door and slammed it shut.  

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