The Beasts Escape

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Cops pov.  -officer Shaw

I sat at my desk typing away at another damn report.  I don't see why there is so much paper work, especially if the perp came in easy.  

Tap tap tap the sound of the keys clicked beneath my fingers.  

Perp: Kevin Wendell Crumb.  
Reason for arrest:  charged with 4 counts of murder.   Charged with 6 counts of kidnapping.
Incident report:  station got a call from attendant at motel, he said he had one of missing girls with him.   Police showed up and set up a sting to catch him.   He showed up at motel door with pizza.   Cops pulled guns do to heinous nature, he willfully came in and admitted to all crimes.  
Tap tap tap

Screaming echoed the halls.  What the he'll was that.   

"Your turn to check on the crazy's" 

"It's always my turn asshole." I mocked and got up.  I made my way to the holding area and sure enough our newest physco was pacing in his jail cell.

"Patricia it's not like that." He said to himself

"Dennis, you got us into this mess.  You did this.  You and your infatuation with that girl.  You and your perversions."

"Shut up! You know it's not a perversions.  I liked her.  She was so good, pure.  She was the one for me.  For US!"

"Dennis, darling, she was not for us.  She was for you.  You should have let her go a long time ago." He smirked then his face twisted coldly. 

"I trusted her.  I didn't put kevin here, she did."

"No, you did by trusting her!"

I watched the little show going on.  I grabbed my night stick and tapped the bars.  

"Hey quiet down." I wasn't sure what else to say. I mean he was agitated and loud.   

He took off his shirt and folded it. 

"Put that back on." I commanded.   He didn't listen.  He started to scream and hunch over.   His veins popped from his muscles.  I could swear he got bigger.   I put my night stick away and grabbed my taser.  

"Stand down! Stop!" I shouted as I pointed it at him.  He hit the bars a could times and I shot him.  He pulled the electrodes off like they were nothing.  

"Back up!" I screamed for help and pulled my gun. 

He screamed and paced around.  Where did his shoes go?   He grabbed the door to the cell and pulled at the bars around the lock.  Another officer ran in and pulled his gun when he saw this. 

"Is he on drugs or some shit?" He asked shocked.

"Is don't know."

"Final warning stand down." The officer next to me shouted and he started bending the bars.    He pulled the trigger.  He kept going I fired mine twice.  He had three small wounds.  Like maybe he got scraped! The bullets didn't go through.  

"What in God name is happening.   He broke the door off the lock and stepped closer to us.  I unloaded my clip into him.  So did the other officer.   Nothing worked.  I honestly scurried away. 

I hid in a nearby office and looked for another gun.    I peeked out the window of the office and saw the other officer trying to stop him.  The man picked up the officer and threw him.   He ran faster then I've ever seen.  Out the hallway.  I grabbed my nightstand and followed.  I saw him try get through more police.   I snuck up behind him and hit him as hard as I could.  He turned around and hit me so hard I flew into the wall.  I sat there against the wall.  Blurry vision.  I saw the other officer duck behind desks for protection.  He started running toward the window and jumped through the glass.   He ran down the street and to where ever. 

What was this man.  

And damn there's gonna be alot of paper work. 

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