where do we stand

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I woke up feeling sick to my stomach. I was in the back seat of Dennis's car my hands were bound. There were boxes in the back and bags in the front seat. There were blankets and pillows in the back with me.

"Dennis." I said hesitantly. He glared at me through the rear view mirror. "Dennis. What's going on. Where are we going?" I asked.

"Do you know what you did!" He growled.

"Did you find them?" I asked. I remember Rebecca. I know she didn't make it. What about the others?

"No. They got away. That's why we have to move. We have to go now." He said.

"Are you mad Dennis?"

"Am I mad? Am I mad?! Yes I'm mad. I was going to kill you. All of you. I saw you drowning and I don't know. He wasn't happy you let them go. I'm not happy you let them go. I'm not happy you let them go. I'm not happy you tried to leave!" He said and hit the steering wheel.

"Dennis. Rebecca died. An innocent girl died. Those girls might still be in the woods. They didn't deserve any of this."

"Her death is your fault. You let them out." He said.

"My fault?! If I left them there they would've died anyway. You would've killed them. She would've died staying there with you. At least the other two have a chance." I screamed.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" He growled. "You fucked up. Why couldn't you just be happy there?" He asked

"Why couldn't you be happy there with me? Just me? I wouldn't have ran. I wouldn't have tried to free them if you just left them alone. I'm not enough for you. I'm not." I cried. I'm sick. I'm in pain. My chest hurts and I can feel my lungs congested. My heart was broken and I feel bad. I let her down.

"It's not about me. It's about kevin. It's about protecting him and we give the beast what he wants to do that -"

"Protect yourself" I cut him off. "You don't need him. No one is going to try kill you, you don't need to be bullet proof and climb walls. There is no reason. You're not doing this for kevin. It's for you and Patricia. You're both sick and need help. You're trying to justify becoming a monster and murdering teenage girls. You know why I think you picked teen girls?"

"Don't say it."

"You're a fucking pervert. That's why you couldn't be happy with just me. You also wanted more girls to touch and watch and then dispose of like nothing." I screamed. He pulled over abd beat the steering wheel over and over and over screaming. He was shouting and yelling and honking the horn when he kept hitting it.

"Stop it! Stop!" I said and watched him take a deep breath to calm down.

"I'm not a pervert. I don't want them. I want you. Do you even know how I feel about you? The beast was on the move ready to kill all four of you. But you were in danger. I controlled him.. I used him to save you. He pulled you out and I took back the light. I fought him and took it back to save you. I can't lose you. I love you, casey. I love you and I was ready to jump in that icy water just to save you without thinking about it. I couldn't let you go. I let those other girls go. I could've found them or saved you. I chose you." He said and hit the steering wheel again.

"Stop hurting people. Please. I promise I'll stay. I'll behave I won't try escape. I'll stay and take care of you. Just stop taking girls. Please. You don't need the beast. I need you." I said and tugged at the ties around my wrist. "Dennis. Please just be good. Don't listen to patricia. Tell Hedwig I'll only be his friend if he helps you. Not patricia. I'll take care of all of you. Let someone else take over if you have to. Kevin doesn't agree with this. He wanted me to kill of you because he thinks you're a monster." I sobbed. I can't stand this I can't keep doing this.

"I don't know." He said unsure of anything anymore.

"Dennis. Please just.. I don't know. Are you going to hurt me?" I asked realizing that he was going to punish me. Was he going to touch me. Was he going to beat me. I'm sure he wasn't going to kill me.

"I don't know." He answered and his face was cold and blank. I curled up in the back seat and closed my eyes. I wonder where we are going. I would ask, but I don't feel like taking anymore.

Where do we stand? Is he going to just move us somewhere else. Are we gonna play this game all over again. I'm sure he doesn't trust me anymore. I wish he could be happy with just me. I could stomach that. I could love him forever to protect others.


Dennis pov back at the river.

I saw her. It was the beast who saw her, but I could see her too. My precious Casey was under water. I charged into the water. Well the beast did. I pulled her out, and the other girl. Casey's hand was clasped with the other girls. She wouldn't let go. Part of me wanted to destroy the young blonde, but I took over. I put my hands on her chest and started pushing.

"Please don't die." I begged. "Stay with me." I pleaded with her. Can she even hear me. I leaned down and gave her a breath and then another. Nothing. I kept at it. I pressed over and over and another two breaths then water came out. She's breathing. She opened her eyes and she went for the other girl. Honestly I think her pulse was just low. I don't think she died. I dropped her body in the water.

It all went by so fast. Next thing I know I had casey tied up in my car and packed as much as I could. I loaded the car and left. I knew where to go. The one property I had left. His mother's house. When she died kevin got it. He didn't sell it for some reason. He kept it, but never went there. It was small and someone secluded. I though I'd be okay there. Hopefully we all would.

I checked my mirror and watched her sleep. She's all I need in life now. Patricia has threatened to take the light away. She still wants to show the world. I just want casey. I don't care about the beast. I do but casey doesn't approve. Casey doesn't like what I do for him. So I don't want to do it. I just want to lay in bed with her. I want to kiss her and hold her, and when I know he's safe I want kevin to have a life with her. She's so good. So pure. I could hurt her, punish her, teach her not to do it again but she will. She's strong willed. She's stuborn. She doesn't take no for an answer.

I think her personality, that might be the thing I love most about her. Her. Just her.

She has managed to make me forget everything I believe in. I'd give it all up for her. But I can't.

Where do we stand though. Does she still love me. Will she ever learn to just accept what I do for him. Did she ever love me or was this a game. Is she going to run when she gets the chance again?

I looked in the mirror. I saw her eyes open.

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