Where is He

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"Casey sweety." Chris broke me out of my trance.  I was curled up on on the couch, tv blaring as i hugged my knees to my chest, I was deep in thought.

"Yeah?"  I asked looking over to him in the kitchen. He placed pancakes on the table and poured syrup on top. 

"Come eat something, okay?" He asked and I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off and sat at the table.   He pushed my chair in and handed me a fork.  He started to rub my shoulders from behind.  "Case, its been 3 days, he hasnt come back and you haven't slept at all.  You need to sleep, honey." He said in a conserned voice. 

"I know." I whispered as I poked my fork at the pancakes.

How can I sleep when he might come for me.  Ill be to vulnerable when I sleep.  Not to mention when I do sleep, all i dream about is Deniss' eyes.   I miss him.   Apart of me wanted to run with him.   Apart of me did love him.   But I can't give in.   That would make me a monster.   Only a monster would love a monster.  Only a monster would want him and be around all of that.   Only a monster would watch him murder people and then still love him.  Im not a monster.

"Casey, I gotta go into the station today.  I have to do paperwork and talk to the captain, I have a mandatory meeting. I can't miss it hun.  Im sorry.   I've called in extra backup to watch you today."

"Youre gonna leave me again.   He's gonna get me."

"No he's not.  I HAVE to go in.  I don't have a choice.  Keep your phone on you, okay? Call me if you get scared.   Ill try be as fast as I can.   Why dont you take a nap?"

"Can't sleep.   He'll get me."

"Casey another girl went missing... yesterday over 400 miles away.   They think its him.   Why dont you take a nap?"

It was oddly comforting to hear another girl was missing, so far away.  I mean its obviously not a good thing, but maybe I can get some sleep.  


I laid my head down and watched the ceiling fan, round and round and round.  My eyelids are heavy.   But Im scared to sleep....

Fuck whats happening.  I can't breath.  My eyes shoot open and his hands are around my neck.   I start hitting him, what good that does. 

"Casey, you've been bad." Dennis' voice echoed through the room.  Squirming under his big frame.  This is it this is how I die. My eyes shot open.

  "Dennis!" I screamed as I sat up quickly.  It was all a dream.  Just a dream.  It felt so real

"You call?" A deep voice asked... I looked in the corner and there was Dennis.  He's back he's back he's back. 


Chris sat across from the captains desk. 

"You've been really invested in this case, chris.  Its impressive." The captain said as he looked through the files.

"Thank you sir."  Chris nodded.  "But if you don't mind I'd like to get back to the safe house."

"Thats why you're here chris.  You've put in overtime, you seem.... attached.  I fear that you are getting to close to the girl.   If anything goes down, I fear your judgemnet is clouded.  Am I wrong?" The captain stated as he put his files down in an agressive manor. 

"Sir, Im extremely professional when it comes to this case, and that girl.  I never cross lines.   I just feel my duty is to protect her, and I cant do that if I'm in your office talking to you about whether or not I may have issues doing so." Chris spat.

"Exactly that attitude makes me think you are to close, Mayfield."

In the background the tv in the station played.  "The missing girl had been returned home safely.   Turns out the teen just ran away to be with a boyfriend parents disapprove of." The news reported chimed

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