Shoes for Casey

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I dressed in the usual baggy shirt and sweat pants.    Good enough.  I still felt guilty about sleeping with him.  I shouldn't have done that.   I came downstairs. 

"Dennis?" I called but no one answered.  "Hedwig? Patricia? Berry?" I kept calling names.  I got to the living room and my heart skipped a beat.  My shoes.    I ran to them as best I could and pulled them on.   Now I'm glad I slept with him.   Maybe he felt bad about earlier.  I wanna try and play him to get what I want but I can't manage to keep myself together.    This is so stressful. 

I bounced slightly in the shoes and looked out the window.  He's gone.   HE'S GONE! Now is my chance.   I was going to wait until my leg was healed.  

I looked through the house. I went to what looked like a basement.  The door was open a open lock hung on it.    I limped down the stairs and saw the cots.  There were so many.   He was going to take more girls.   Shit.   I need to get out and warn everyone.   I limped back up the stairs and went to 'my' room.   I couldn't find anything of use.   Half the stuff in the house was locked up.   

I went into the dirty hamper in my room and grabbed the sheet I had taken from Dennis's room earlier.   I grabbed it and ripped it in half.  I did the same to the sheets in my room.  I tied them all together.  I opened my window. It was long enough for a safe escape.   I'm glad I won't be using plan B- the pool.  That one terrified me. 

At any moment Dennis could come home.  I was scared.     My heart raced.  I tied the sheets to the bed post and pushed the bed closer to the window.   I quickly locked my bedroom door incase he came back.  I grabbed the sheet and put my feet out the window first.   Soon all of me was out.  Using my legs to stop me from sliding down to fast hurt.  I had little upper body strength.  I needed to go fast.     I climbed down inch by inch.   Here and there my feet slipping off where the squeezed together of the sheet.  One hand would slip while the other slid.   Hello ropeburn.   Finally I dangled a foot above the ground and dropped.   That small drop fucking hurt.    

I looked around and I didn't hear a thing.   I started limping towards the woods.   Thankful I finally had shoes.  Honestly I wouldn't be able to do this barefoot, expecially with one leg fucked up.  I got closer and closer to the trees when I heard a car driving over gravel.   Dennis was back.    I started to go as fast as I can putting as much weight as I could on my leg.   It was probably few minutes later  of hobbling away before I heard that faint but loud scream.  

"CASEY!" And it wasn't happy.  

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