Are my Plans Good Enough?

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I thought about how he hand his hand on my hip as I pulled on some clothes.   Sweatpants and a tshirt.   These are nothing like Dennis, Patricia, or Hedwig would wear.   I wonder what Kevin would wear.  He seemed level headed enough.  The thirty seconds interaction was enough to let me know he doesn't agree with Dennis or patricia.  I mean, he wanted me to kill him as soon as he found out what 'he' had done.   I'd like to meet kevin.  I'd like Berry to come back too.  

The door opened.  I turned to see dennis.  At least I think it is. 

"Your room is your responsibility and I'd like you to keep it clean." He set down some cleaning supplies.   "Every two days I clean the windows.  Since your here, you can help.   Clean the windows with the blue liquid.  Wipe with circular motions.   I'd also like the bed made and the floors cleaned.  There's a mop and broom in the linen closet two doors down.   Floor cleaner is under the bathroom sink.  Also clean the bathroom mirror with the window cleaner.   There's also new hygiene products in there for you.   Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, Patricia suggested tampons.   There is bubble bath also. My apologies for not having your bathroom running yet.   I'll the water running by tonight."  He said and left without much more of a convesation. 

I had to shower in a different bathroom.   My room had its own but the water didn't work.   I over heard Dennis talking to another identity.   One who was probably a plumber.  The fixer one didn't really worry about the leaky pipes, but it bothered Dennis so the fixer will take a look tonight. 

I sighed as I grabbed the supplies from down the hall and made my way slowly back to my room.  I washed the windows, made the bed, cleaned the floors.   Everything Dennis asked.   I put away all the supplies and limped around the house.  I hadn't explored much.  I was locked in that room in my mind.   I kinda forgot there was no locks on that door, but I thought there would be so I just stayed in.  It's not like I can make my grand escape now.   I limped around to the other side of the house on the third floor still and went into another bedroom.  Not Hedwigs.   I know Hedwigs room under the zoo he had little mice in a container.   This room didn't have drawings everywhere.  Not even a sterio.    There were shelves of books and a case with a snake in it.    The bed was made nicely and the room just looked sophisticated.   I limped to the window.  I hoped that this window had something to jump down onto below.  Nope just walls.

Wait there's a pool.  A large in ground pool.   I would've miss it, it blended in with the ground.  The pool was empty and disheveled, but I'm sure that from this height if I jumped and landed in there then I'd be safe, as long as it had water.   Fixing up that pool would be a hard task.   As soon as I gain his trust maybe I can go fix it up.   I know he won't take his eyes off me if I'm outside, so I wouldn't get much of a head start to runaway then.   If I fix the pool with his help then when he's safely tucked away asleep I could jump.  I could jump in the pool and escape.  I wouldn't have to worry about getting passed two flights of stairs and getting his keys, where ever he puts them.   Keys would be more difficult.   I can't be snooping in the same room as him.    I'll keep jumping out the window as plan B.

Plan A.  I've been thinking about the window in my room.   If I can explore the house and find something, maybe rope or enough bed sheets I can tie them together and climb out my window. 

I have time to think about all my plans.   No matter how good or bad they are.   The pool one isn't the greatest but I need something incase plan a falls through.   Or in an emergency I need to have all escape roots planned.    All need to be accesable.  

Maybe rethink the keys.   If I get close to him I'll know where he hides them.   I don't dare try and fight him.    Currently all plans involve sneaking away when he's not paying attention.  

"What's may I ask are you doing in here? I guarantee there is nothing in here but the snake, even he doesn't do much."  He laughed buttoning up his suit jacket.  I hadn't met him before.  "My name is anton." He introduced himself as he walked by and straight to the snake.   He opened a container and dropped a couple small mice in there.  

"I'm casey.   Uh... do you know what's going on? Or who I am?" I asked.   Was he gonna be on my side.  The side that wants to help me.  

"Yes young one.   Tragedy what you go through.  What you went through and what you're continuing going through."  He turned to look at me the back to the snake. 

"Uhm..." I thought how to phrase my question.  Do I ask if he wants to help save me.  Do I ask if he sides with Patricia and Dennis.  

"I would love to get you home, but I cant." He answered for me.  Thank god.   

"Why?" I asked a bit devastated bit tried my absolute best to hide it.  

"I only get the light long enough to do my errands.   Clean the cage, feed the snake.   I can't do much." He said and closed the lid on the snakes container.   "You will meet Rowan tonight.   He is going to fix that leaking pipe in your bathroom.  Dennis can't stand it.   He has ocd."

"I caught onto that." I laughed a bit.  That was easy to see.   He was a neat freak.  

"Get out of here before Dennis or Patricia take over.   Okay?" He said and walked toward me and brushed my hair back with his hand and kissed my forehead.  "Be careful." He whispered.   I nodded. 

"Okay." I left him there, I glanced back and he watched as his snake devour the mice. 

I know my plans aren't very thought through, but it's the best I can come up with right now.  I can probably think of something better.   I barely made it out alive the first time.   I need to think harder.   I know these plans suck.  

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