The safe House

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The detective brought me to my safe house after we ate and showed me around.   It was in a gated community which made me feel safer.  He told me they acquired the place during foreclosure so they got it cheap and used it to harbor witnesses.     The government pays for them so why not.  

He carried my stuff my bedroom except for a blanket I took out of the bag.  I set that on the couch.  I planned on being in the living room for awhile and it was cold in here.

He came back.  He led me to the alarm system. 

"Okay so the code is 2498.   When you enter or leave if the alarm goes off you have to put that in.   If you wait longer than 30 seconds I'll get the alert on my phone and call you.    There is also a panick button incase someone gets in, it's the rest button on the panel.   The windows lock and have alarms if opened.   The windows are shatter proof.    I'll try stop by everyday to check on you." He said and walked over to the couch and sat down. 

"Okay, got it." I nodded.    I followed and sat a seat away from him and pulled my blanket over me.  

"So I need to tell you that Dennis confessed. He admitted to taking you.  Killing those girls, everything he did to you.   I'm so sorry.   He told us everything and I'm sorry you had to go through that." He said solemnly

"What did he say?" I mumbled.  It could've been anything.  The sex.  The beatings.   Trapping me there.  

"He admitted to raping you.  He told us all the things he put you threw.  Keeping you trapped, holding you hostage and hurting you."  

"He didn't rape me."

"I know you might be in denial-".

"No I'm not.   I had sex with him.   I willingly had sex with him." The detective looked discusted. 

"Why would you do that?" He asked shocked.

"I needed him like me.  To trust me.   I realized if I pretended to love him, sleep with him then it would make life easier.   He ended up trusting me enough to watch those girls when he was gone and gave me the key to them.  I got them out..." I said.  

"Oh... Okay.  That was smart I totally understand you had to do what you had to, to survive." He said probably trying to cover for his previous disgust.  

"Yeah.  I didn't like it.  I mean I had to so he'd think I liked him.   I cried after.  Like I felt so dirty.   But Uhm those girls.   Did you find them?" I asked changing the subject.  I didn't want to talk about my sexually escapades with Dennis anymore.  

"Not yet.   I swear we are looking.   Trust me, we will find them." I nodded.    .

"Okay thank you." 

"Uhm I hate to push you if you're not ready but I need a from all report.  I need details and everything from the moment he took you to when you escaped.  Do you think you can do that?" I nodded.

"Okay, yeah, let's begin." I said ready to get this over with. 

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