Chapter 15: Bigger

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Lilyanne's POV

(3 months later...) 6 months pregnant

I leaned against the cage rubbing my protruding stomach in circles. Constantly I wondered if it was a boy or girl?

My mother had kept me locked up since the day I came back with Erin. Everyone I cared for was living life and I wasn't apart of it.

Everyday I wondered how they were and what they were doing? Especially Erin, did he think I blew him off and left with the baby?

I felt a trickle of blood run down my forehead so I took my wrist and wiped it away. I had just gotten done with the most recent beating. My body was numb to the pain.

The old man was asleep in the corner taking a break from beating me. In the dim light I could see a light smirk plastered across his ugly face.

Just then I heard the familiar clanking of keys. Food time.

I watched as the guards walked to the gate but only had one bowl of food. They opened the gate and set it down and another guard walked my way.

"Let's go" the guard grumbled.

My legs pushed my heavy body up and a strong arm grabbed my forearm.

Maybe my mother let me leave?

We trudged up the stairs as my blood stained dress stuck to my body. I wasn't used to standing that much and the weight of my belly made things so difficult.

Slowly they took me to my mothers study room.

"Leave guards" my mother told them.

She stood up with her shoulders high and mighty.

"I found out that as long as you are fed you can stay down there as long as I would like" she informed me, "but you have learned your lesson and are going back to your duties. The Calliwell family was informed that you went to another country right away to solve some issues."

My head nodded up and down taking in everything she said.

"Thank you Lilyanne now leave me be!" She commanded.

With a couple painful steps I turned around and started on my way to my room. Every single part of my body ached, I wanted to scream out in pain.

I hoped that Dax wasn't there, I wasn't in the mood to tell him off and better yet I didn't want to.

He had every right to tell my mother what he did, but he did it in the nastiest way possible.

Suddenly I heard a gasp behind me and I froze in my steps.

"Lilyanne" a deep voice called.

I turned around to find Erin with a shocked expression all over his face. His eyes traveled up and down my bruised and battered body.

My heart started to race and the tears started to come. I couldn't hold them back.

He ran over to me and embraced my fragile little body. I held onto him like I would never hold him again.

Little kisses were laid over the top of my head as silent tears fell down my face.

Erin picked me up bridal style and walked into my room.
Erin's POV

I sat in the library running my hands through my hair. Trying to read up on the kingdom Lily was at.

Every second of everyday Lily was on my mind. She disappeared just like that and with no goodbye.

Our baby would be six months along now and we could tell if it was a girl or boy. I wanted a princess so bad to love and cherish but I also wanted a boy too.

I slammed down the book on the table and left the library, I couldn't take sitting in there dwelling in my own thoughts.Quiet shuffling was around the corner and I thought nothing of it, probably just one of the maids.

As I got closer I realized they were moving a lot slower than I was.

When I turned the corner a gasp escaped my lips and the girl turned around.

It was Lilyanne, but she was bruised, bloody, and covered in dirt. Her pregnant belly looked bigger. I looked at her clothes and realized it was the same beautiful dress she had on three months ago before she disappeared.

Her face dropped and she looked like breaking.

I ran over to her and hugged her tightly. Her body trembled beneath me so I laid little kisses on her head.

Her tears wet my shirt as she continued to shake.

My hands slipped under her legs and picked her up.

Kicking open her bedroom door lightly, I walked in laying her on the bed.

I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth.

Walking back to her she hid her face from me.

"Darling?" I asked.

She turned on her side and I could still hear her silent sobs. I sat down on the bed and started wiping the blood off the side of her neck. Her body flinched at the touch but then relaxed.

I turned her face and her eyes watched my every move as I cleaned.

Slowly her eyes started to close and she drifted off to sleep, "Darling what happened?"
He partly knows now...

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