Chapter 3

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I can feel the sweat trickling down the back of my neck, and soaking the edges of my mask. The concert has yet to begin and I'm already a perspirating​ mess.

We have everything set up on Mr. Starks make-shift stage. It'll work for the time being. Before the guests arrive and get settled, I slip into a room behind the bar, where the liquor is kept. And the rest of the band is scattered amongst the other remaining rooms that connect to the lobby area. We want to make a grand entrance.

"So, is it normal for you guys to hide before a concert starts? Not trying to panic or anything. My guests are just starting to arrive, and it's sorta quiet and dull in here." Stark says as he pokes his head into the liquor cabinet.

"Just trust me. Knock on this door whenever the majority of your guests are here. You won't be disappointed." I smile.

"Ok. And it's kind of hard to trust someone who never shows their face. Moving on." He sighs and shuts the door.

I stand up straight, making sure my hair is fanned out behind me. I check the mask to make sure it's secure. Just as I'm smoothing out my new shirt from SUS, I hear a knock on the door. Let the fun begin.

Fog fills the room as my band makes their way, slowly, to the stage. Everyone is gasping, not sure what to expect next. Some are asking, "Are they the masked Sheila?"

The spot where I'm supposed to stand is dark, until suddenly, a big cloud of black smoke fills the area. No one can see, so I make my move and teleport to the stage. I grab the mic stand, pulling it closer to me.

"It's not very often that we get special requests like this. I hope we make this party the best one you've ever been to." I smile, and Andrew starts us off.

"Didn't even really wanna go, but if you get me out you get a show. There's too many bodies on the floor, so baby we should go and add some more. Are you down ditty down ditty down down down." And with the flick of my wrist the lights start to flicker, making them look like strobe lights, just as the beat drops. Everyone is cheering and dancing together. The crowd is electric!

With the crowd being occupied by our lyrics, it gives me the chance to look around. I see Stark and a few of the Avengers conversing by the bar. I also notice that one of those faces is the person whose shirt I chose to wear. The winter soldier. James Buchanan Barnes. He's my favorite for many reasons that I don't have time to think about because dear god he's looking right at me. He's talking about me. And pointing at my shirt. He noticed. Oh shit he noticed.

"Crashing. Hit a wall. Right now I need a miracle. Hurry up now I need a miracle. Stranded. Reaching out. I call your name but you're not around. I say your name but you're not around. I need ya, I need ya, I need you right now. Yeah I need you right now. So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down. I think I'm losing my mind now. It's in my head. Darlin I hope, that you'll be heard when I need you the most so. Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down. Don't let me down." 

And as the beat drops I jump down into the crown, making them​ scream even louder. I'm in the thick of it all with them. It's one of my favorite things​ to do. And as the song slows for a moment, I slip out to the edge of the crowd, where Stark and his team are at the bar. The crowd is watching me as I sing and twirl around them. I stop in front of James, wink, and cartwheel my way back to the stage, flipping back to where the mic stand is.

The concert has seemed to have gone on for hours, and we have been letting the guests request the songs for quite some time now. One of our most popular alternative rock songs is next on the list, and we all smile at each other. Not gonna lie. It's one of our favorites.

"They fall behind, one at a time. Ready to play. I can't​ see them anyway. No time to lose. We've got to move. Steady your hand. I am losing sight again. Fire your guns. It's time to run. Blow me away. I will stay, unless I may. After the fall. We'll shake it off. Show me the way."

As I'm singing the lyrics I begin to feel uneasy. Someone unexpected is coming. Or something. I make my way to the back part of the stage, standing in between Tonya and Andrew, rocking this song as hard as I can.

Then, all of a sudden, a window near the bar busts, sending glass shards into the crowd. Everyone flies back, screaming, not knowing what to do. We stop our music, but that doesn't stop me. This is it. This is the feeling I've been having for weeks. Not the random invite to play at the party. This. And whoever or whatever this was. This is what I was preparing for.

I look over at Tonya and shoot her a wink before I disappear behind stage. I can feel tons of new people, threats, entering the room from every access point. Smart. Overwhelm the crowd. Make the Avengers nervous for civilian casualties. At least they know what they are doing.

I snap my fingers, changing out of my previous outfit and into something more familiar. My original mission suit. Well, with a few modifications. Can't have Hydra branded on my sleeves, now can I?

"Who are you and what do you want?" I hear Captain America ask. I quickly peek around the side of the stage to get a better angle. Seems he's talking to the leader. Or at least the leader of this party. No actual leader of an organization like this would just willingly​ show their face on battle 1. Come on, get real.

I shuffle around to the other side of the stage, making sure not to be seen. I manage to get to my bag without making any sounds. I open my guitar case and pull out it's real contents. My bow and arrows. I strap them on my back and reach for another case, pulling out my throwing knives and guns. I secure all of my weapons to me before looking back around the corner, checking the scene once more.

"Isn't it obvious captain. We are here for all of you. The Accords. Over half of you have signed them. Which means, technically, only a few of you can actually fight us without breaking the law. The Accords haven't been completely shut down yet, who knew? Oh well, it works out for us." The man chuckles and points his gun at the Captain.

The team is shaken, you can tell. They aren't sure what to say or do. Well, I know what they want to do. Fight. But with everything that's happened, I don't blame them for the slight amount of hesitation. Some have already taken an active stance, ready to throw the first punch. Others are looking around, trying to see what they can make into a weapon in the next 2 seconds. Looks like it's my time to shine.

I pull out a secure communication system, and old walkie talkies I guess you could say. It's the only thing I use to contact someone. Someone important.

"The dessert was pleasant. I repeat, the dessert was pleasant." I say into the device.

"Loud and clear. Take action. Initiating override A19. You are now in control. You are clear for action." The director radios back. Well, here goes nothing. I take an arrow out of my quiver and pull it back into my bow. I smile and take a deep breathe. Man it's been some time since I've done anything like this.

I fly around the corner and release my arrow. It quickly goes straight through the man's gun, and they both stick into the wall on the far side. Everyone turns to look at me, and I can hear some of their gasps.

"And just who do you think you are?" He yells as his men aim their weapons at me.

"The names Mac. And I don't like it when someone crashes my concert." I smirk, and the battle begins.

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