Chapter 5

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*Authors note*
Sorry for not updating last weekend! My brother was graduating, and the entire weekend was hectic. Hope you enjoy!

"Your name is Dakota Renee Barrett. You're a fashion designer, an environmental activist, an author and a decent friend. Today you are not Mac, just Dakota. Only Dakota." I say to myself in my private bathroom as I stare into the mirror. I take a deep breath and head into my main office at SUS headquarters.

"Dakota, they have arrived." Jessica, my assistant says from the front door. Her hazel eyes showing signs of concern as she beamed me her most fake smile. I could see the worry lines on her porcelain skin as she stared at me.

"Send them in." I smile, nodding to signal that I'm going to be fine. She smiles at me again before leaving.

I walk over to the coffee machine by the window. I happen to like my office. It's simple. Big bay windows, letting in tons of natural light. Small work desk, big sketch area, and a few couches. The room is blue, red and white. Seeing as our first design was the captains uniform. I start pouring my coffee as my office door opens.

"Dakota!" Sam cheers as he runs to me for a hug.

"Sam!" I cheer as well as he spins me around. "I didn't know you guys were my morning appointment." I smile widely.

"Well, we are bringing you a new client." Steve smiles as he leads Bucky to the front.

"Wow! The famous Sargent Barnes. It's great to finally meet you. I thought Steve was gonna keep you to himself." I chuckle as I shake his hand.

"Actually, I've already created your shirt on the request of a friend." I smile sheepishly. I walk over to a shelf on the far wall and take the shirt down, handing it to him.

"Wow, it's perfect!" Bucky smiles.

"Oh thank goodness. I was actually nervous about this one." I sigh in relief.

"Who's the friend that requested the shirt?" Steve asks.

"I'm not at liberty to say." I state.

"And why is that?" Tony asks.

"I can't give out customer information."

"We know it was Mac. We just want to see her." Natasha states.

"Well don't you sound convincing. If you already know it's her, then why don't you go look for her?"

"So it was her?" Tony smirks.

"That's not what I said." I back away and finish making my coffee.

"Look, she was acting strange last night at the party. We just want to check on her." Clint states.

"Because that tone you just took makes me totally want to believe you. I know what happened at the party last night. Mac came to me in confidence over it. And if I'm correct, you should be thanking her, not chasing her so you can hold her hostage and bombard her with questions."

"Wait, you know who she is?" Steve steps closer to me.

"Yes, but again, I'm not at liberty to say." I stand up straight, matching Steve's stance.

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