Chapter 13

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Tony POV:

"My God you're an idiot." Clint laughs as he listens to me talk about our first fight. "And she just gave you a pass too. Even in the midst of probably beating the shit out of you, she still maintained her composure. If you don't run after her right now, you're even more stupid than I thought you were." Clint states as he hops up from the chair to leave. Just as he's reaching the door, Sam burst through, making the air in the room feel clammy and hot.

"What did you do to her?" He asks through gritted teeth.

"It was just an argument Wilson, don't get your feathers in a bunch." I moan as I lean back in my chair.

"Just an argument Tony. That argument made her leave, man. Do you even realize how long it's been since you've seen her?" Sam asks.

"Sam, let's take a step back, ok?" Steve says as he puts his hands in front of Sam, calming him down slightly.

"I just saw her a few days ago. And why is this any of your business?" I ask in frustration now.

"Uh, Stark. If you haven't seen her since that fight, then it's been about a month." Clint states and my eyes widen.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass, you'd notice. A few days after your fight, she told me she needed a break from New York and left. She won't tell me where she is, I can't​ track her and she said she won't come back unless there's some sort of flowers involved, which makes no damn sense to me. All I know is you're the reason Dakota has been gone, and I'm prepared to do something about it." He cracks his knuckles and starts to move forward, even pushing the Captain a few feet before Natasha breaks in.

"Knock it off Wilson." She states as she puts her hand up.

"Oh thank goodness." I mumble.

"If any one is going to handle him, it's us." Natasha says and Wanda stands next to her. "Stark. You better fix this. And you better fix yourself. Because if our best friend doesn't come back because of your arrogance, I'll take you out myself." Natasha states as she holds the collar of my shirt, making me look her in the eye.

"Guys, seriously. This isn't the way to get her back." Scott sighs as he stands right in front of me. "Stark, do you want to fix this?"

"He better!" Sam shouts but Steve keeps him quiet.

"Here me out. Look, Tony, not all relationships last. I'm divorced with a kid. Do I regret being divorced, not really. But do I regret the relationship? Not at all. Because with out it, I would never have such a beautiful daughter. But some things can't be fixed, and they are meant to stay broken.... This isn't about them. It's about you. They can't force you into a relationship you don't want to be in, if that's the case. You know if you're happy, not them. So I ask again, do you want to fix this?"

And for a while the room is silent, because everyone is staring at me, waiting for my answer. I'm quiet because I never thought that I would ever see the day that Scott would be right about something.

"Of course I want to fix it. I love her." I smile and bolt from the room to change. Can't win your lady back looking like I haven't showered in a month.

*Authors note.*
Ok, so this chapter will start a series of song chapters. Which most of you have probably seen, but if you haven't it's where you take a song and incorporate it into the feelings and emotions of that chapter, of the characters in it and so forth. And since music is such a big factor in this story, some songs will hold the key to whether the story progresses or digresses. I will label each song so you can listen along if you wish, but each song played is to be perceived as written and performed by the Masked Sheila. Not every chapter will be this way, but there will be quite a few. I hope you're enjoying this story so far, and I would love to hear your feed back!

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