Chapter 22

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Oh how I missed New York traffic. The lights. The sounds. The street vendors. I may have only been gone for a few weeks this time, but it felt like a life time. And as I pace in front of the tower, deciding if I should go inside or not, I can feel the seconds tick by.

This is a tough decision. To come back. Even after I made such a big deal, caused a scene and stormed off to God knows where. It takes guts to admit you're wrong for the sake of the one you love. I mean, I was only a little wrong, right?

This is it. I have to go in or I'll regret it. I have to do this now or I'll never do it. Time to man up. Or woman up. Whatever. It's time that I face my fears. Admit that I'm a fool. Yeah. Wait, am I a fool? This might be harder than I thought.

I finally pull the door open and walk toward the elevator. Here we go. No turning back now. I press the button and the doors open. I don't think I've ever been this terrified in my life.

As the doors open I see that the tower lounge is empty. Thank God. I was really hoping for that. I walk toward the lab, but I find it empty as well. Strange. I start looking in rooms, the training areas, and I don't find a single one of my friends. Well this doesn't feel right. I walk out onto the balcony and see that the quin jet is missing. Phew. That makes me feel a little better. They must be out on a mission.

I walk back toward Tony's room and open the door. Everything is still the same. He hasn't moved any of my clothes that I left. The little notes I would write him are still sitting on his nightstand. Oh hey look. There's my favorite pair of sweats. I've been missing those.

I sit on his side of the bed and I can smell his familiar smell. And the tears start to well up in my eyes. Gosh I've missed him. And I want him now more than ever. But I can't stay here in this empty place. It's making me realize how alone I've really been. So I'll leave it at this.

"Hey there,

         Stopped by but you weren't home. I'm not sure when you'll get this. I'm not sure when you'll be back from the mission you're on. But I stole the key to the place that holds my favorite memory of us. The first time I told you how I felt. The first time I got to cook breakfast with you. There were a lot of firsts at this place. And I'm hoping there will be several more. If you want, I'll be there. And I'll wait for you. As long as it takes.


I lay the note on the bed and leave the room. But not without grabbing some more clothes. And my favorite sweats. And as I leave, I hope that I won't be waiting for him long. But I wasn't lying. I will wait for him. No matter how long it takes. No matter if I have to move into this cabin or not. I'll stay there until my days run out. And if he never shows, I'll understand. But if he does, I'll be there waiting.


(Song Chapter: Wait for You by Atreyu)
*Gotta give a shout out to CarpeDiemTomlinson for helping me pick out the perfect song for this chapter. I was in a real pickle there for a minute 😬*

Tony's P.O.V:

2 days later

"Guys. I can't wait to sleep for the next two days." Sam groans as he rubs his sore neck.

"That mission was tough. Who knew pirates where still a thing?" Clint moans from his sprawled out position on the jet floor.

"Barton, they weren't real pira... Nevermind." Natasha sighs as she tries to bandage one of her many wounds she acquired on this mission.

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