Chapter 8

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"Due to the fact that the Accords are having some minor set backs, I'll be standing in as the communications representative for the Avengers. They have no comments about today's events, and only hope that they helped make a difference. Thank you." I say as I push through the crowd of reporters to head back to my vehicle.

"Dakota." Tony whispers.

"Not a word Stark. Have everyone meet back at my room." I whisper back and hop into my car. Wanda, Pietro, and Scott get in with me. I hear the "ding" that shows Tony's mass text to the team about our rondevu point.

I make my way around town, taking a few extra turns and loops, to be sure we aren't being followed. We all quietly get out of my rental car and make our way up to my room.

"Only the team is allowed in here. K?" I say to them as I grab a pair of sweats, a t-shirt and head for the shower.

I wash off the pain of the day, seeing the bruises on my thighs. I make sure not to be in there too long, so hopefully the girls can take one as well. I dry my hair, wipe off my caked makeup, throw my hair into a wet, sloppy bun and head out. So far, everyone has made it into the room. I'm now glad that I spent the extra money on the pent house suite at this joint.

"Wanda?" I ask as I point at the shower. She smiles widely as I hand her a towel and some of my extra clothes. As she goes into the bathroom, I plop down on the bed, feeling the fatigue in my muscles.

"Do you always carry extra clothes for other people?" Steve asks.

"No. But I carry tons of extra clothes for me. And I know she's the same size as me, as is Natasha. We go shopping alot." I chuckle as I stare at the ceiling.

"Oh, so you are their weekly lunch date!" Clint states as he finally figured it out.

"All of us knew that already bird brain." Tony states. He jumps up on the bed and lays down next to me. "Whatcha lookin' at?" He asks.

"The ceiling Tony. You?" I smile, still looking at the ceiling.

"Someone beautiful. Though she doesn't really see it." He whispers. I roll over on my elbow and look at him as he looks back at me. Everyone around us is in their own conversations, so no one can back me up on what I just heard.

"What did you say?" I ask with a shocked expression.

"Huh. What? So who's calling this meeting to order? I vote her." Tony announces as he slides off the bed quickly and points at me. Everyone goes quiet for a minute as they wait for me to respond.

"Well, I'm honestly not sure what to say?" I chuckle as I look at my friend's standing before me. "It was a successful mission I suppose. But we still have no clue who did it and why. And I'm sure that they won't let you look into it much. But either way I'm proud of you guys​. You did the right thing today." I sigh with a content smile.

"You weren't too bad yourself miss I'll run in alone with out backup." Sam smirks at me.

"Yeah, what was that about Dakota? You scared all of us." Bucky asks.

"Nat?" Wanda interrupts to let Natasha use the shower. I leave for a moment to give her some clothes and get back to the conversation.

"So this went from me saying good job to you questioning my motives? Guys. Everyone in that crowd was there because of me. All of those people were in danger because I couldn't hold my tongue. Because I had to make a statement. Sure, I was right about everything, but that's not the point. If I didn't help, I wouldn't be doing what I'm preaching."

"Well, we are just glad you're safe." Pietro smiles as he pats my shoulder.

"But what about Mac?" Steve asks.

"You know that's a dead end Steve. She won't come out. And now that she knows I was with you guys today, she might not come back and see me. She seemed pretty shaken up." I sigh.

"We didn't mean to cause any trouble, Dakota." Sam looks at the floor.

"No no Sam. That's not what I meant and you know it. What I'm saying is she isn't a very trusting person. But today was a good step. I'm surprised she came to help honestly."

"She came because she saw you." Steve says. Shit. Forgot I said that to him.

"Well, maybe all hope isn't lost then." I smile and shake my head. "So did you guys get a hotel here or did you just fly the jet?"

"The second one." Tony smirks.

"It's been a long day for all of us, and I'm sure you guys are exhausted. And I have a feeling they will want a statement from us sometime, so leaving may not be the best option at the moment. I can book you guys a few rooms. Give me a minute."

"No no, I can take care of that." Tony smiles, takes my phone, shoves it in his pocket and walks out of the door on his own phone.

"Did he just? I was? Is he always this impossible?" I sigh in frustration.

"Normally, yes. But when he likes some one, it's even worse." Steve winks at me and goes outside with Tony.

"Sam?" I ask.

"I'm not in this darlin. Please don't drag me into it." He pleads.

"I have half a mind to do it anyway." I mumble as I fall back on the bed. Tony Stark cannot like me, can he? No way. He could have anyone he wants. I'm not even on his level.

"We now have this top floor to ourselves. The other 2 pent houses belong to the Avengers." Tony boasts as him and Steve come back into the room.

"I could have done that." I mumble as I continue staring at the ceiling.

"Sorry about that sweetie, I'm known to steal people's thunder." Tony winks at me. I casually get up, walk to him and stand very still. Looking him up and down. I can see his breath catching in his throat. I slowly reach my hand into his pocket, grab my phone and hold it up in front of him.

"Don't take my stuff." I smirk and walk away to make a phone call, swishing my hips as I walk into the hallway. Two can play this game. I shut the door and pause for a minute to listen to what they have to say.

"Did she just? That's.. that's my phrase. She stole my.." Tony starts to pant slightly as he thinks about what just happened.

"She stole your heart. We get it." Wanda smirks and goes to talk to Pietro.

"Steve, what am I gonna do? She's so out of my league. None of my usual tricks work with her. Maybe that's why I.. I uh.." he trails off and I can hear the anxiety in his voice.

"Dude, just spit it out." Sam states.

"Seriously Tony. We've never seen you this worked up. It's just Dakota." Clint chuckles.

"That's it. It's just her. It's just her that drive me crazy, that makes my head spin. And not to mention her wit is just like mine, maybe even better. And have you seen that girls smile? Gosh it's breathtaking... And I can't stop thinking about her.." He rushes it all out at once and I can feel my heart racing, almost making me want to puke.

"Tony, I've never seen you like this. Not even with.. well, you know." Natasha stutters on the last part, obviously not wanting to bring up Pepper.

"I've never felt this way before Nat. Not even close. What do I do? This is not my area of expertise." He sighs.

"Well, telling her might help." Scott suggests.

"Yeah, next. Someone else?" Tony chuckles.

"Maybe Scott's right. This is Dakota we are talking about. She's been our friend for years. We all care about her and she cares very much for all of us. I'm sure if you maybe asked her to lunch sometime or for coffee, that she would say yes and then you could let her know how you feel." Wanda smiles and everyone is silent for a moment.

"Steve?" Tony asks.

"Don't look at me Stark. I've barely been on a date. And like you said. This is not my area of expertise."

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