Chapter 26

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Tony's P.O.V:

"Guys, I think that explosion took out my comm. Yours?" Clint asks as he jogs to the jet.

"Yeah, mines out too." Sam says.

"Anyone seen Nat or D?" Rhodey asks as he lands next to me.

"I thought they were a few doors behind me?" Steve states.

And my heart stops. I look around and see my team. Everyone is here but them. Everyone is here but the one person who matters to me the most.

"Tony..." Steve says as he moves closer to me.

"Alright, everyone spread out. Find them." I say as I take off into the sky. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, scan the surrounding area. Find her."

"Yes boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y replies. "I've detected two life forms underneath that patch of rubble in the south corner."

And before she finishes her statement, I've already landed.

"Tony, we have hostiles moving in in all directions." Steve states.

"If you are saying that as a suggestion that we leave, then you can kiss my ass Rogers. There's no way in hell I'm leaving without her." I yell as I start moving more rubble.

"Rhodes, Vision, help Tony clear the rubble. Everyone else, cover them the best you can." Sam says as he takes to the sky. But everyone still sort of stands around.

"You heard Sam. Let's get moving." Clint states as he walks over toward me. "Send up a flare as soon as you have them both. Then get the hell out of Dodge." He says as he pats my shoulder and takes off. And everyone else follows.

"Tony. You will not do us any good if you do not keep your heart rate down." Vision states.

"Thanks for the boost of confidence." I mumble. "Alright, we only have one shot at moving the big piece. And as soon as it moves, more debris will start to fall around them. So here's my thoughts. Rhodes and I will lift the wall while you grab the girls. You'll need to be down there before we actually move the wall though. Otherwise, this might not work." I say as quickly as possible.

"Ready when you are Tony." Rhodes says as he stands on the other side of the wall.

"I shall make my descent." Vision states as he floats down under the debris.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Go." Rhodes says and we both lift the wall piece up. As we are throwing it the opposite direction, Vision surfaces with the girls. Before he can even stand, I've take Dakota into my arms and started to fly.

Rhodes sets off a flare and covers Vision and I as we make our way back to the jet. As soon as we get inside, I lay her down so I can step out of the suit.

"Come on Dakota. You can't do this to me. I won't let you." I mumble as I check her pulse.

"They are both in need of CPR boss." F.R.I.D.A.Y states from the suit.

"On it." Rhodes says as he steps out of his suit as well, starting CPR on Natasha.

As I begin the process on Dakota, I can't help but flash back to our time together. It's almost like just yesterday, I finally worked up the courage to tell her I liked her.

That weekend in Moscow. It might have gotten a little crazy there. But that weekend set everything into motion. That weekend I knew. That I would never love anyone else the way I love her.

Our first official date. When I took her to that quiet, little cabin. I will never forget that first morning, cooking breakfast with her. It was like a dream come true. I'd never been happier.

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