Chapter 20

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"Tony, this is not up for discussion. I'm going to her concert. And you guys are staying here." I state as I move around him to change and grab my briefcase with the files for the band.

"Dakota, she's dangerous. Have you even seen what the Machine can do? She can wipe out the entire planet if she wanted to!" He semi yells with frustration.

"Yeah, and you're dangerous too! So is everyone on the team. But do I speak of you the way you do Mac? No. Do I speak of anyone here that way? No. Judging someone for their past is childish. You have forgiven Bucky, for everything. You've seen my research. You know that everything he did wasn't his own doing. Why can't you accept that she's cut from the same cloth?" I yell back as I slam my briefcase on our bed.

The room is silent. Only the sound of my labored breathing and Tony's pacing fills the room.

"I'm sorry I don't see her the way you do. Maybe that's because I don't know her like you do either. And I would like to. I know you care about Mac babe. And I know you help that band. It's just... After last month.. I.." and he runs his hands through his hair and sighs. He plops down on the bed and puts his head in his hands.

I sigh as well, making my way around the room toward him. I step in front of him and pull his hands away from his face,making him look at me.

"Sweetheart, I know I scared you. Those people coming here, to harm all of you, that was not under my control. But choosing to fight, that was. Who knows what would have happened if I would have just let them take me? I might have never been able to see you again... And I can't handle that thought.

Yes, I was injured. But look at me. I'm here. I'm okay. And I get to wake up next to you every morning. Have you stopped to think that this feeling you have, of me getting hurt somehow, is the same feeling I get every single time you have to leave with the team?

I'm scared to death that I'm going to lose one of you guys. That the jet hanger door is going to open, and I'm going to be standing there waiting for all of you, but there will be one less familiar face getting off of that jet.

But I know that this is your job. And I respect your line of work. So I would also like you to respect mine, okay?"

He pulls me into his arms and buries his face into my hair.

"I know. Why are you always right? This seems to be a reoccurring theme." He chuckles as I pull away to look at him. I lean forward and ghost my lips across his.

"I told you you'd get used to it." I smirk as I pull him closer to kiss him. I run my hands lightly through his hair and across his shoulders, tugging on his lip ever so slightly with my teeth.

"Oh dear... Are you sure you have to go to this concert?" He whispers.

"Yes. But, if you can promise me that you and the team will stay home, and you won't call me while I'm working, then we can continue this when I get home tonight." I smile.

"Square deal. I'll wait up for you." He chuckles as I grab my briefcase and head for the elevator.

"Hey D, where are you heading?" Rhodey asks.

"I've got work tonight. Last minute call. I'll be back in a few hours." I smile and wave as the elevator doors close. I take a deep breath and head for my car.


"D, what took you so long? We thought we were gonna have to cancel the concert." Tonya says in a frantic manner.

"I know, I know. It's getting to be really difficult to keep up with being 2 different people. It was like pulling teeth just to get Tony to let me leave the house." I sigh as I rush back into the dressing room with her.

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