Chapter 4

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Everything happened so fast. They all start to fire in my direction, but what they don't know is what I'm capable of. I instantly stop all of their bullets, dropping them to the ground. And with one flick of my wrist all of their guns disappear. All of the guests are in shock, and the Avengers are having trouble with picking who to focus on: Me or Them.

I instantly trap the guests along with myself in a force field, seeing as they are not in this. They were only here for free music and drinks really. I see the Avengers engaging the hostiles, and I know I can't let them do this alone. After all, I do finally have my chance to save them today.

"Alright everyone, please exit down this far stair well. Do not stop for anyone or anything. Run like hell. Call a cab. And go home." I tell the guest and they don't hesitate to book it out of here. Once the last guest has left I put a high tech lock on the door that can only be opened by me, and I disperse the force field, joining in on the fight.

Several of the hostiles lay on the ground unconscious, while some more pour in through other entrances. They outnumber us plenty. I see them tranquilize Bucky and try dragging him out. But what they don't know is that the Captain and I are one step ahead of them. Captain takes the guys out while I secure Barnes. I carry him behind the bar, and put a cloaking device over him, so no one knows he's there. I slip back out into the fight, right as something big is about to happen. I see a man behind the Falcon with a knife, pulling his hand back to strike. Only one thing to do.

I teleport in front of the man, taking the blow instead of the Falcon. I grab the guy by the head, pull him forward into my knee, and drop him to the ground. I pull the knife out of my stomach, and throw it at the leader, who is trying to escape on the far left side. It sticks into his hand and the wall. All the while the Falcon is staring at me with wide eyes.

The rest of the hostiles all surrender after their leader is captured. Using my powers, I move all of them into a bundle on the floor, cuffing each of them. I take the glass from the broken window, and fix it back like new. I drop my weapons and bag next to the bar as I run back to Barnes. I take the cloaking device off of him and pull him out in the open.

"Is he ok?" The Falcon asks.

"I'm not sure. I'm scanning him now." I use my internal scanning protocol to see what the damage is. "He seems to have been shot with a Hydra issued dart. They were manufactured back in the 90s whenever more and more people were opening up about their abilities. It's meant to put you to sleep and erase your memory. Lucky for him, the poison has not yet made it to his blood stream and I can get that out in a snap." I finish as I clean the area before starting the process.

"How do we know we can trust you, that you aren't one of them?" The Captain asks.

"Not sure you really have a choice. No one else can do it. No technology exists to remove this type of chemical compound from a body. Or I would have built it already. If I don't do it now, he will have no memory of who he is in less than a few minutes." I say as I look up at the Captain. He nods and I continue my process. I take a deep breathe and focus. I see straight into the puncture wound, through the tissue and near the main blood stream. I begin to use my powers to pull it out. Slowly but surely, a red mist in the form of a ball forms near my hands. I take it and let it dissolve into the air, making it untraceable. I open my back pack and pull out a small plastic tube. I shake it up and crack it right under his nose. He sits up at a fast rate, gasping for air, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

I pull all of my stuff back on my shoulders and make my way to the stage.

"Where are you going?" Stark asks me.

"To make a phone call. A certain director is going to want to know you guys are safe."

"Wait, director Fury? You report to him?" Romanoff questions as she moves closer to me.

"Not quite. But if I don't make this call I unfortunately will."

"Who are you?" Wanda asks.

"I'm Mac. Lead singer of the Masked Sheila. But I'm also many other things. Including override A19." And once that little phrase slips past my lips they all freeze.

"That can't be true. Override A19 was a fail safe in case one of us dies or in the rare situation where we need help or back up. It's meant to be the entirety of shield. All of their combat, mission ready agents." Barton states.

"Yeah, that's what you think. If you would have read the actual file, not the fake one at shield headquarters or the fake one on the computer, you would know what it really means. There is no team on this Earth that can help protect the Avengers. But there is one person who can do everything that they can and more. And that person would be me." I sigh as I say the last line.

"Time for bed. I repeat. Time for bed." I say into the device.

"Good work Agent 19, now ship out. I'll send a clean up crew your way." Director Fury's voice echos over the entire room and everyone is speechless.

"Agent 19. That's what override A19 stands for..." Barton states.

"Who are you really? And why are you such a big secret to shield?" The Captain asks as they all move closer to the stage.

"Because my identity is everything. No one knows who I am and I will keep it that way at all costs. And if you try to take off this mask, you will be surrounded by the FBI in less than 5 seconds. They are already on stand by and have been since I got here. My contract with them trump's your curiosity."

"Wait. Don't leave yet." Barnes says as he limps toward everyone. He makes his way into the stage, and is standing only a few feet away from me. "Why were you wearing my shirt today? I didn't know I had one yet for SUS." He asks.

"Because I admire you. Your willingness to not let adversity get you down. The way you bounce back after everything that's happened to you. And how you still manage to stay positive in light of everything going on around you. And I had the shirt made. I know the people at SUS fairly well." I smile lightly. He's even more handsome than I remembered.

"You admire me? You risked your life to save us today, and none of us really even know you. I think it's safe to say that we admire you. I just want to know how you can do these thing? Your powers are so different from the ones we have encountered."

"Unfortunately that's classified. And I don't have time to stay because the cleanup crew is coming up the elevator. It's was nice playing for you tonight Mr. Stark." I smile. "And it was good seeing you again, Bucky." And with that I teleport outside to the parking garage, and hop in a van with the band. As we drive up a few levels I change the vans appearance and we make our way back to my place. Since I know they will try to look at the studio. And no one knows where I live. Not even Google Earth has my location.

"Are you ok Dakota?" Tonya asks.

"Yeah. It was amazing. Being back in the field for a moment. Just a little harder than I thought. I saw.." I trail off, not sure how to describe what I'm feeling.

"You saw him. The soldier. The one you helped a long time ago?" She asks and I nod. "Well of course it was hard. It was hard for you to watch him leave back then, it's even harder to make yourself leave now." She says as she rubs my back. And she's right. Back then, whenever he was a prisoner, he was so fragile, so broken. And I could still see that in his eyes. Like he wasn't sure who he was just yet. But I can't tell him who to be. I've given him the right push, I freed him. I can't do everything for him. But I can't​ help but remember those last words he said to me before I made him leave the first time.

"I'll come back for you. No matter what it takes. I promise."

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