Chapter 10

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"This is ridiculous. If I could have just been patient. Waited to rehearse until I got back home. I wouldn't be walking out here freezing my ass off. Why am I so stubborn? Seriously? Is my pride really that important?" I mumble to myself as I finally see the hotel at the end of the block.

Never again will I risk my identity. Or my sanity. Ever! Ran too far from the music studio, got lost. Phone died. Car drove by and splashed water all over me. No jacket. And I swear it's 40 degrees outside.

And to top it all off, Bucky now remembers me. Well, he remembers Mac. And they will definitely be looking for her more now than they ever have. And it's all because I had to be right. Because I wouldn't keep my damn mouth shut. Is it possible to get on your own nerves?

"Dakota?" Steve says from the doorway of the hotel. Seems like him and Buck are just now getting back.

"Oh my. Are you ok Dakota? You look terrible!" Tony says as he rushes toward me.

"Thanks for the boost of confidence Stark. I thought I looked fabulous. Haven't you heard? The wet dog look is all the rage this season." I snap back as I shiver my way into the hotel.

"What happened to you?" Bucky asks.

"Here." Tony says, wrapping me up in his suit jacket.

"I don't wanna get this wet Tony." I say, trying to push it off.

"I'm not taking no for an answer." He states as he pulls it over me the rest of the way. We make our way to the elevator and I look back at Bucky.

"Well, after I left I couldn't find my keys. And there's no way I was going back for them. You can't​ go back for something after making a dramatic exit. So I noticed it wasn't that far of a walk and I needed the fresh air anyway. Ended up getting lost on the way back. Covered in water. Phone died. And didn't realize it would be negative 1200 outside. Once we are done here in Moscow, I don't believe I'll be coming back." I mumble the last line as the elevator doors open.

"That sounds like an ordeal. But we might have you beat." Tony smirks.

"You're kidding? Hit me." I chuckle.

"We found Mac. At a music studio here in town. And get this? She's a super assassin, trained by Hydra, and has the hots for Barnes." Tony chuckles.

"It didn't go exactly like that Stark." Steve sighs as he puts his head in his hands for a moment.

"So wait, you found her, and talked to her? What did she say?" I ask.

"Not much. But she accidentally showed me some of my old memories whenever I tried to stop her from leaving. But she left anyway. I still can't think of her name for the life of me." Bucky states.

"My story was better." Tony mumbles.

"Aww, I'm sure it was darlin'." I pat Tony's arm and smirk slightly. "Well, I hope you got through to her. But how about this fellas? Let's forget about everything that happened today and get some rest? I could sure go for that right about now." I sigh the last line.

"That actually sounds great to me." Steve chuckles and I can see some of the tension leaving his mind.

"Hey, but before we go uh. So, I didn't umm. I didn't know you were the one who helped me?" Bucky states, shuffling his feet, barely looking up at me.

"What do you mean Buck?"

"With being able to come back here. You know, you showed everyone I wasn't so bad and I haven't really had a chance to thank you. So ya know. I'm not good at this." He chuckles.

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