Chapter Five

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We arrived in Florida after a six hour flight. Lauren lead me off the plane where a man was waiting for us, she went over and kissed him and then turned to me.

"Savannah this is my husband Andrew"

"Hi" I say shyly looking down at me feet

"Hi Savannah" He gave me a gentle smile and turned to Lauren "Ready to go?"

"Let's go home!" she gave an excited cheer my way. I wonder what their house is like, I started to feel nervous about meeting the boys too. We walked over to a black range rover where our luggage was already waiting, I don't know how but it was. The car ride was about two hours after traffic and I was bored out of my mind, sure Lauren and Andrew talked to me a bit but most of the conversation was between them while I rested my head against the window watching the scenery pass by. We pulled onto a country road and drove half way down the almost deserted street, my jaw dropped when I saw their house or should I say mansion. It was covered in stone with more windows then I could count, there was a pathway leading up to the giant front door and a spot for the car to pull through into the garage that's behind the house. I turned to Lauren.

"You didn't tell me you guys were rich!" I squealed

She giggled "Well Andrew's a lawyer and I have my own fashion company, so yeah we're pretty rich I guess. Come on inside, Andrew will get your bags while you meet the boys"

We walked in the door and the first thing I saw was a giant staircase of two staircases on each side meeting in the middle. Andrew walked in with all my bags and set them down beside me.

"Boys! Come here!" Andrew yelled

You could hear four faint door slams from upstairs and four boys slowly made their way down to stand in front of us. "Hi mom" The smallest and youngest looking one said

"Hi honey" she smiled "Boys, this is Savannah, she is going to be living with us now"

I looked up to see the boys reaction, the smallest one smiled, and the oldest did seem to care by just staring at his phone nodding his head, the middle two I take it looked at each other and the one with dark brown hair and eyes wearing Adidas tiro pants and a fitted shirt that you could see his abs through gave the other one with the same colour brown hair, brown eyes and the most perfect eyebrows I ever saw an annoyed looked.

"Boys why don't you introduce yourselves" Andrew said

Phone boy looked up and said "Hey I'm Parker, I'm the oldest, and I'm twenty one" He had really short hair and a sharp jawline. After he said his hellos he left.

"Hi I'm Austin, I'm the youngest at sixteen and I love hockey, I play triple A" he says proudly, he has the same lighter hair as his brother with blue eyes, he then excused himself to get ready for a friends house. "I'm Brayden" The lighter haired one said "I'm nineteen and am a middle child with this dork" he pointed to his brother "Also I am at university to be a cop. Sorry about Parker by the way, you'll learn soon that he's heartless" Brayden then asked to speak to his parents leaving me with the last brother.

"I'm Nathaniel" He stated awkwardly "... I'm eighteen... and I play soccer"

"Cool, uh could you show me where I could put my stuff?" he gave a small nod and grabbed my bags, I mumbled a thanks and went to follow him until we got to the stairs "I can't get up" he shrugged "figure it out" and continued up the stairs. Great, just fucking great. 

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