Chapter Twenty Nine

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Savannah's POV

I was sweating. Like actually sweating. We were sitting in the family room across from Lauren and Andrew. We got home yesterday and Nate asked if we could talk to them about something important and here we are.

"Is everything alright?" Lauren asked and I nodded, I couldn't speak, I felt a lump in my throat.

"Mom, dad, we have something to tell you"

"Guys whatever it is it will be okay" Andrew could clearly see the fear in both our eyes

"I love Savannah" Nate said taking my hand

"And I love Nate"

The both started laughing "We know" Andrew said between laughs

"What?! How?!" Nate asked just as shocked as I was

"Honey we're not stupid, we noticed the change in attitudes and how upset Savannah was when you were gone for those couple days at Jack's, we guess it was a rough spot, and did you honestly think we would let you two go to Paris if we thought you still hated each other?"

"So you aren't mad?" I asked

"No sweety" Lauren smiled "Besides you're the best girl Nate has ever had around" she said making me smile once we were finished talking we went over to Parker and Mia's to tell them too. Somehow Parker and Nate made it through the time without fighting and they were happy for us and also broke the news that they were having their wedding next week! Mia asked me to be a bridesmaid and Parker asked Nate to be a groomsman. We both agreed and they showed us what we would be wearing. I was in a short salmon coloured dress and Nate was in grey pants, white button down and salmon bowtie.

"The wedding is going to be at a winery and there isn't gonna be a wedding shower or stag and doe. We want it to be simple with just friends and family" Mia was showing me all the wedding things "That sounds amazing"

"So how was Paris?" she rose her eyebrows up and down

"It was amazing" I gushed "I told him I loved him"

"Oh my god! Did he say it back?!"

"Yes!" she cheered but got serious

"Savannah can I tell you something"


"Before I do promise you won't tell anyone, very few people know"

"Of course, what's up? Are you okay?"

"One of the reasons we're getting married so soon is because I'm pregnant"

"Oh my god! Congratulations! How long?"

"Three weeks"

"Who knows?"

"Me, Parker, my parents and his parents and now you"

"Mia I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you" she hugged me "It was crazy, Parker started crying and saying about how he can't wait and I've never seen him smile that big"

"Savvy you ready to go" Nate showed up in the doorway after talking with Parker

"Yeah" I said and turned back to Mia to give her one last hug "Call me if you ever want to talk or go baby shopping" I added

"Thank you, trust me I will"

I followed Nate out after saying goodbye to Parker. When we got to the car I grabbed him by the chin "Hmm no bruises so I take it everything went well?"

"He wants to fix things, he doesn't want to go through life with us always fighting"
"That's great"

"It is" he smiled "Parker told me Mia's pregnant"

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