Chapter Twelve

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Savannah's POV

The next couple days went by quickly, I still had nightmares most nights which resulted Nate ending up in my room, we got to know each other a lot better and he kissed me many more times. Tomorrow is my date with Nate and he said we had to get up early for it but that's as much as he's telling me. I was getting ready for bed and went into the bathroom to wash my face, when I came out Nate was lying there shirtless with one arm behind his head smirking at me.

"What are you doing?"

"I decided that since I'll just end up here anyways I might as well just come here now"

I felt bad for waking him up every night and have apologised to him many times but he always says it's fine and that my bed is comfier.

"Move over loser" I got under the blanket with him and cuddled into his chest "Thank you" I mumbled before falling into a deep sleep.

I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Nate's arms. I didn't wake up once last night due to a bad dream, I looked over at the alarm clock, 7:34.

"Nate" I lightly pushed him "We have to get ready for our date" at those words he sat up and looked at me 

"Morning beautiful" he said still half asleep

"Morning" I responded and he frowned

"What no compliment?"

"Sorry... Morning beautiful. Is that better?"

"Much" he then got out of bed to go to his room "Oh and we leave in an hour"

Since it was a date I decided Nike shorts wouldn't be the best choice so I put on black and white patterned shorts and a flowy white tank top with a long necklace and black flip flops.As I was curling my last strand of hair I noticed the large scar on the back of my shoulder was visible in the spaghetti strap shirt. I moved my hair to block it, grabbed my phone and cross body purse and went to Nate's room. He was dressed in a white v neck shirt and jean shorts with running shoes.

"You look beautiful" He said when he noticed me "Although you always do" he added quickly

"Thank you" I smiled "You look beautiful as well" 

He pretended to giggle like a little girl "Thank you"

He then grabbed my hand pulling me outside to his car 

"So do I get to know where we are going yet?" I asked and he shook his head, I pouted out my bottom lip 

"Not going to work" he said not even looking at me. I huffed and faked annoyance turning to look out the window, I watched the different signs pass none of them giving anything away. "You know you never did tell me why you came to live with us" Nate's voice brought me out of my trance 

I shrugged "It's not really something I like to talk about"

"You know you can me right? I won't judge you"

I took a deep breath "Well I start from the beginning then, when I was young I had the best life a kid could ask for, my parents would be at every sporting event, school show, everything. My parents had great jobs and would buy me anything I wanted since I was the only child I got spoiled. My parents were both big soccer fans and that's what got me started in the first place, as I continued on I ended up being very good. My mom died when I was eight due to a car crash I was involved in. At the beginning my dad was just quiet, he would just sit and watch tv or go and work on the lawn, finally one day he just kinda snapped and blamed me for her death and that it should've been me instead. He then started to hit me, it wasn't hard at first but as the years went on he got more and more cruel. My only escape was soccer and since I had been working since I was thirteen I could pay to play travel and just rode my bike down to the games. When I had my soccer injury I accidentally spilled the truth about my dad being abusive and a drug dealer, he went to jail and well now here I am" He took my hand and I smiled at the small gesture, I looked back out the window and saw a welcome to Disney sign. 

"Oh my god! We're going to Disney!"

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