Chapter Nineteen

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Savannah's POV

I don't know anymore. Which is why I'm done. I'm breaking up with you

I don't know anymore. Which is why I'm done. I'm breaking up with you

I don't know anymore. Which is why I'm done. I'm breaking up with you

That line played in my head as I lied in bed sobbing. It has been three days since Nate said that to me and I haven't seen him, Lauren told me he was spending a couple nights at Jack's.

"Come on Savannah. It's been three days. At least let me take you out for ice cream" Brayden sat at the end of my bed "Nate's being stupid, he'll come around"

"You don't get it. I think I've fallen in love with him! And now he wants nothing to do with me"

"That's it! Come on!" Austin grabbed me by my feet and dragged me out of bed. He and Brayden have been really great to me the last couple days. After Nate broke up with me we drove home in silence, he went straight up to his room packed a bag and left calling Lauren later that he would be gone for a couple days. Austin and Brayden could tell something was up and demanded I tell the everything, so I did and now I've basically spent the last three days in my room only going out to eat dinner. Brooke went home yesterday and I start school tomorrow which is not helping me feel better at all. The boy threw me my running shoes and I slipped them on before following them out to the car. As we were about to walk into the ice cream place I saw a someone I was not ready to face yet. "Come on" Austin grabbed my hand dragging me through the door. I kept my head down although Nate would definitely notice his two brothers. I looked over thinking I would see him and Jack but instead I saw him and a girl sitting there laughing, my heart clenched and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I quickly ran out ignoring Austin and Brayden's calls. He's moved on that quickly? Was I really nothing to him? I didn't think he was that much of a player that he would play the broken girl. I ran around the side of the building and slid down the wall, tucking my head between my legs and started to cry. Again. That's all I've done for the past three days, but those days I had hope of getting Nate back and now I realised that that's never gonna happen. I can't stay here, I can't live with Nate under the same roof while being in love with him but watching him be with other girls. Fuck! I'm so stupid! I'm broken and ugly with scars covering parts of my body. Of course Nate wouldn't want me. now I need to figure out where to go, maybe I can stay with Brooke for a little bit and save up some money for an apartment.

"Savannah?" I looked up and saw Austin standing there, I just put my head back down as tears still streamed down my face.

"Where's Brayden?" I croaked out

Austin came and sat next to me and let me rest my head on his shoulder. "He's talking to Nate" he said and I nodded "I think I'm gonna go back home"

"Okay just wait for Brayden, I think he'll be done in a minute" he responded not understanding what I meant "No Austin, home as in New York home"

"What?! No Savannah you have to stay!"

"I can't Austin, it was Nate's home before mine and it's probably best for the both of us if I leave"

"You're not leaving" a voice demanded I looked up to see Brayden "You don't have anywhere else to go and I know that sounds harsh but you also can't leave because you're family now. You're our sister now and we don't want to lose you" he sat down on the other side of me and the boys pulled me into a group hug "I love you guys" I said

"And we love you" Austin responded

"Come on let's go home" I said standing up

That night I didn't cry once. Although Nate and I are far from being okay I felt happy with Brayden and Austin, they are my family and the boys I love. Now I'm getting ready for my first day of school and am scared out of my mind. I'm driving Austin to school and he offered to come with me to get my timetable, Lauren said she had called the school and requested I be in classes with Nate so I knew someone which makes me feel sick to my stomach.

"Here ya go" Austin handed me my timetable as we left the office, he looked at the time on his phone

"Come on, I have enough time to show you to your first class" he grabbed my hand and pulled me through the giant school. Soon we were standing out front of the door and I felt as if I was gonna throw up "Hey you'll be fine" Austin promised "We have lunch same period" I'll meet you after your class and you can have lunch with me and my friends"

"You don't have to do that"

"I want to" I gave him a small smile "Besides, you're hot and my friends will be totally jealous" he laughed and I elbowed him. I then took a deep breath and walked into the class toward the teacher's desk "Ah you must be Savannah" she greeted

"Yes ma'am"

"Well I'm Mrs Connors" the bell rang and she pulled me up to the front "Class we have a new student today, please welcome Savannah White. Savannah why don't you tell us about yourself"

"Well I moved here from New York and I love to play soccer"

"That's excellent" Mrs Connors said "Would anyone be willing to catch Savannah up a little on what we're doing?" I looked at Nate with hopeful eyes, even though what we've went through he's still the only one I know but all he did was shake his head and look away

"I will" A voice from the back said and I looked up to see Sam, the guy from the restaurant the night Parker proposed. I smiled and walked over to him

"Thank you" I whispered

"Don't mention it" he smiled "So how good are you at math?"

"Amazing" I responded which was true, I've always been very good at it

"Great cause I suck" he said and I laughed

All through class I could feel Nate's eyes on me but whenever I answered a question I would always hear him whisper to his friends things like nerd, smartass, dork. Eventually I stopped answering. Next class I had P.E. with Nate yet again and then I had lunch which I was looking forward to. Sam pointed me the direction of the gym and the class was fine since it was soccer at school that what we did but the boys went off one direction and the girls went off another. Soon the bell rung for lunch and we all went to change. I walked out of the change room and forgot which way my locker was. I took a left. "Wrong way" a voice laughed and I nearly jumped out of my skin, I turned to see Austin standing there "Come on I'll show ya" and I followed him in the direction of my locker. Where a group of guys were already standing who I then found out were Austin's friends. After lunch I had a spare then english. I found out my spare was the same time as Brooke's back in New York so I spent the time texting her under a tree out by the soccer fields where Nate was with his friends. After english I met Austin out by the car and we drove home. Nate was still at Jack's but would be coming back in the next couple days to get packed for Paris. I guess I'm no longer going on that trip.

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