Chapter Forty Three

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Nathaniel's POV

It's been two weeks since the car accident and even though I got the okay to go home it feels like I haven't since I spend all of my time here. I hate leaving Savannah, afraid she will wake up and I won't be there.


I turned to see my mom "I brought you food" In her hands was a Burger King bag.

"Thanks Ma"

"Honey maybe you should sleep at home tonight?" I shook my head

"I'm staying with her"

"Nathaniel what if she doesn't wake up for months? Years even, what are you going to do then?"
"Look I will go home okay? Just right now I'm staying with her"

"Honey I know this is hard for you, it's hard for all of us but you need sleep, you need to shower, you need proper food"

"Give me till the end of the week okay? Friday night will be my last night"

"Deal" we sat there with Savannah for a little while until mom's phone went off

"That was your father, he's here to pick me up for a meeting. I'll be back later okay?"

"Okay love you Ma"

"Love you too" she gave Savannah's hand one last squeeze before exiting the room

"Hey princess, it's been about two weeks since I last saw your beautiful smile and eyes and I miss you. Hell I miss your laugh, your blush, I miss sleeping next to you at night, I even miss fighting with you. I would do anything to hear your voice again. Please come back to me" I laid my head on the side of her bed feeling tired and took a nap. In my dream Savannah was okay and we were both playing soccer in the finals. It then flashed to Savannah walking down the aisle in a long white dress with tears in her eyes and her bright beautiful smile. The next time it changed Savannah and I were in a kitchen throwing flour and other food things at each other while we looked to be making cookies, Savannah's ring shawn brightly. The final thing I saw was Savannah and I on a porch while Savannah held a baby. I slowly woke from my amazing dreams to feel something brush through my hair. I lifted my head to come face with an awake Savannah who was smiling brightly at me. I didn't know what to do, I felt as if I'd have a heart attack. Savannah was awake, my Savannah was awake.

"Princess" I felt tears come to my eyes but I didn't care, I pulled myself up and kissed her passionately. "Baby I missed you so much"

"I love you" was the first thing she said and her voice was scratchy and probably hurt to talk. I handed her a bottle of water I had and she drank almost the entire bottle. I pressed the button for the nurse and she came in looking quite surprised to see Savannah awake. I had to leave as they ran some tests but as soon as I could I was back in the room with her. When I entered the room she moved over on the bed but not catching what she meant I ignored her gesture.

"Yeah princess?"
"I was kinda hoping you would lay down with me" she said shyly with a slight blush "If you don't-"

I cut her off by sliding in next to her and wrapped the arm that wasn't in a cast around her shoulder. I took in every feel of what it was like holding her in my arms in fear that I would one day never be able to again. As I laid there I realised I had yet to call mom and pulled my phone out, after the third ring she answered

"What is it Nathaniel? I'm kinda in a meeting"

"I have someone who wants to talk to you" I handed the phone to Savannah and she smiled

"Hi Lauren" I heard my mom in the background yelling frantically saying the meeting would have to be rescheduled and that her daughter was awake. Within twenty minutes mom and dad came bursting through the door with my mom in tears

"Oh Savannah sweetheart" my mom cried hugging her tightly and then stepped back so dad could hug her too "I missed you kid"

"I missed you guys too"

We all sat in silence but it wasn't awkward. Finally Savannah broke it

"I saw my mom while I was in the coma"

This intrigued us all and we looked at Savannah

"She wanted me to say thank you to the both of you for taking me in and loving me the way my father wasn't" And then she turned to me "And she said how happy she was for me for having you and she loves how happy you make me" my mom was yet again crying and Savannah was also on the verge of tears "I think of how horrible it was to of lost my mother and my father but at the same time it brought me to you guys and I wouldn't change that for the world. I have two amazing people that are the best parental figures a girl could ask for, an amazing boyfriend who sometimes I feel I don't deserve, three amazing brothers, and new friends. And now I know my mom is never far and my dad is, I'm happy"

I pulled Savannah in for a hug "I love you so much"

"And I love you. Forever and always"

Soon Austin, Brayden, Brooke, Parker, Mia, Ashton, Rachel and Jack all came and all the girls were in tears and I even saw most of the guys shed a few of their own. Eventually visiting hours were over and everyone but me left. I wasn't going anywhere. Savannah moved over so I could lie on the bed and cuddled into my chest the best she could with a broken arm.

"I saw you when I was in my coma"

"Really? When?"

"I don't exactly know but you were holding my hand and your eyes were glossy with tears"

"Oh you uh saw that" I chuckled awkwardly

"Yeah and I also heard you when you said if I died you would have nothing to live for and I want you to promise me something"

"What's that?"

"I want you to promise that if something were to happen to me that you would move on and have a life still because nothing makes me happier in life than to see you happy"

"Okay but only if you make the same deal"


"But there is one fault in your promise"

"And what's that?"

"That I'm not letting you leave me anytime soon"

"I love you"

"I love you too" And with that I fell asleep finally feeling whole again. 

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