Chapter Eighteen

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Nathaniel's POV

I was at practice when I saw Savannah with her was Max Anderson. Max and I have always played soccer with each other but then something happened and we became enemies. So you can imagine my anger when I saw the two of them together. They seemed to only be doing soccer drills when I watched them so putting my trust into Savannah I stayed away and just looked over once and awhile. After about an hour they had only been doing drills until Max put his arm around Savannah and whispered something in her ear, I quickly stormed over to the two of them and I could see Savannah was uncomfortable and tried to get his arm off her waist

"You have three seconds to get your arm off my girlfriend" I yelled and Savannah turned around looking both scared and relieved

"I don't think I want to Court" Max smirked at me

I clenched my jaw and balled my hands in fists "Let her go" I emphasized on each word

"Maybe it's my turn to have something that you can't" he said referring to Savannah who was still struggling in his grip "Why would she go for you anyways? We all know you use girls then throw them away, what will this one not put out till you made her your girlfriend? I'm sure your side girls are pleasing you just fine until this one will right?" I saw red. Within two seconds my fist connected with his jaw and Savannah was out of his grip, I pulled her off to the side gently placing my hands on her shoulders "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" she shook her head no and and wrapped her arms around my waist hugging me tightly "I'm sorry" she whispered

"You have nothing to be sorry for. Come on let's get out of here"

"Your practice?" she questioned

"It's fine" I pulled her to my car saying we would come back for the other one later. The car ride was silent for awhile and I was gripping the steering wheel so tight my knuckles were turning white. "Nate?" she broke the silence


"You're not actually doing what Max said are you?" anger rose up in me and I slammed on the breaks "Is that what you think?!" I yelled and she flinched at my tone "Do you think I would do that to you?" she shook her head 

"Why were you with Max huh?"

"He was helping me train to get back into shape for soccer"

"And I'm not good enough for you?"

"What? No, Nate of course you are. I didn't want to hold you back while I was getting better"

"That's not holding me back Savannah!" she stayed silent "What about you and Max? You two seemed to be having a great time. I mean four hours of training Savannah?! Come on!"

"I just want to be as good as I once was!"

"But you never thought of me did you? All you thought about was yourself!"


"No you know what I can't do this!"

"Nate plea-"

"Just stop! First you go off and train with some other guy then he gets handsy and you believe him over me! Do you even trust me?!"

"Of course I do. Do you trust me?"

"I don't know anymore" I took a deep breath "Which is why I'm done. I'm breaking up with you" 

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