Chapter Forty Nine

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Savannah's POV

It's been a year since the accident. I got to keep my spot on the team along with being captain and it has been the best experience of my life. Nate and I are still going strong, hell strong doesn't even describe it. Sure we've had our fair share of bumps but we're stronger than anything life can throw at us. About four months ago Ashton had proposed to Rachel who is pregnant with their first child, a boy. Mia and Parker had their son and daughter or should I say Joshua and Emily. Brooke and Brayden also got married and moved into a home five minutes away from ours and recently Brooke found out she was pregnant with their first child which is going to be a boy. Austin is still in high school and has had multiple girlfriends but none have been "the one". Two months ago Nate proposed and I still can't get over looking at my ring everyday. Today I have a special surprise for Nate, a life changing surprise.

"Nate come on we have to meet the photographer!"

"I'm coming" he came out of our bedroom in a nice button down shirt and dark jeans. I was in a short fall dress and jean jacket. We walked out to the car and I grabbed my bag that also contained my chalkboard. We drove to a beautiful area that had a small waterfall and hiking trail. When we got there James, our photographer, was already standing there

"Mr and Mrs Court" he nodded

"Damn I love how that sounds" Nate said beside

"Ha not yet there lover boy"

"You already?"

"Mhm" We followed him to our first spot and got some beautiful photos by the waterfall and some by a tree that we carved our initials in a couple months ago when we found this spot. Finally it was the moment of truth.

"Okay Nathaniel I'm gonna have you stand with your back to me and Savannah I want you to lean against his back facing me" we got in our positions and James handed me the board that said "You're gonna be a dad" in fancy writing. After James took a couple shots he smiled at me and winked "Hey Nate what do you think of this shot"

Nate walked over to where James had set up his laptop to blow up the picture while I smiled like an idiot. Of course I was nervous but Nate always talked about kids, I just hope he wants one now. Nate looked at the photo and I could tell when read it since his eyes went wide and he broke out into tears. James excused himself to give us this moment and Nate sat on a nearby rock. "Really?" his voice came out in barely and whisper

I nodded "You're gonna be a daddy"

"Oh my god" His smile went huge, mirroring mine "And you're gonna be a mommy" and it was like at that moment it truly sunk in, he stood up and pick me up twirling me around in his arms

"I love you so much" He kissed me and put me down then kneeled and kissed my stomach "And I love you too" I raked my fingers through his hair before he stood back up "This is one of the happiest moments of my life"

"It's one of mine too"

"Have you told the family?"

"Only Brooke since she came with me to buy the pregnancy test"

"Well come on" he pulled my hand and we said thank you and goodbye to James before driving to Lauren and Andrew's house where I had already called everyone to be. When we entered the house everyone was waiting in the living room.

"Hey everyone" I smiled

"Hi sweetheart" Lauren said "So what's the big news?"

"I'm gonna be a dad!" everyone cheered and came over to hug us

"Our kids are gonna be best friends" Rachel whispered when she hugged me and I had no doubt on that one. Lauren was crying tears of joy when she hugged us

"Your mother would be so happy" she whispered

"I know she would because my second one is right now" Lauren smiled brightly before backing away. After talking with everyone we all stayed for dinner. I was sitting in the living room bouncing Emily up and down while talking with Mia who held a sleeping Josh and Brooke and Rachel who were each going through a jar of peanut butter.

"Oh how I don't miss that" Mia laughed

"Trust me, I can't wait to put on fifty pounds and not be able to see my feet"

"It'll all be worth it" Mia said looking down at Josh

Soon we had dinner, lasagna with garlic bread, and headed home. The entire time Nate's smile hadn't faltered once. When we got home we locked the door and went up to bed where we watched tv. Or had the tv playing in the background while we made out. Soon I was getting tired and snuggled into Nate.

"What do you want it to be" he asked

"A little boy so he can protect his little sister when she comes"

"Same but if it's a girl I'll be happy too"

"Thank you Nate"

"For what?"

"For being my friend, for being my boyfriend, for being my fiancee, for giving me a family, for giving me a home, for giving me a place to feel loved and safe, thank you"

"I would do anything for you and thank you for always loving me even with the mistakes I made"

"I'm glad I came to live with you. Even if it wasn't great at first"

He chuckled at that

"Thank you for showing me what kind of asshole I was"

"Anytime lover boy" he laughed a little harder

"Two years ago I thought I would never get my happy ending, that one day my dad was gonna end it all, put me out of all my pain and misery. But instead you did that for me in a way I never thought an option, love. You loved me with all my scars and bagged and when I'm in your arms I've always felt safe"

"Two years ago I thought I would be some hot shot soccer player banging a bunch of girls every night but now the thought of that disgusts me. The only one I want to hold in my arms and kiss every night is you"

"I love you Nathaniel Court"

He leaned down and kissed me "And I love you Savannah White"

"Forever and always?"
"Forever and always" 

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