Chapter Twenty Five

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Nathaniel's POV

Savannah and I lay breathlessly beside each other. She was amazing. I love her more than anything in this world. I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom wetting a towel.

"What are you doing?" she asked when I came back but instead of answering I whipped her stomach and in between her leg where there was a little blood. I kissed her before going back in the bathroom to get rid of the towel. I looked in the mirror and smiled at the hickey left on my neck and the small scratches on my arms. Before going back to bed where Savannah laid waiting, her hair was a mess and she also had a hickey on her neck but she still looked beautiful. I climbed in next to her and pulled her to me wrapping my arms around her waist and tangling my legs with hers. "Was it good for you?" she asked quietly but you could hear the slight worry in her tone

"Savannah it was amazing. Better than I've ever had before"

"I love you Nate" she mumbled falling to sleep

"I love you too Savannah"

"Forever and always?" she said basically asleep

"Forever and always" I said before falling to sleep closely behind her.

Beep beep beep

I groaned hitting the alarm clock on the bedside table, it was 6:00 and due to my and Savannah's late night activities we didn't get much sleep. Right now I had an early morning practice then a game at one. Savannah looked so peaceful so I decided to let her sleep and just leave a note. I took one last glance at her before heading out the door bumping right into Ashton.

"Who the hell decided on 6:45 practices" he groaned

"That would be Coach Has No Sex Life, my friend"

"You got some too last night?" he chuckled "Oup never mind I can see the hickey now"

"There's a lot more of those" I laughed

"Oh yeah look it what my shy girl did last night" he pulled the collar of his shirt to show a huge dark hickey with a few lighter ones around it

"Damn" I breathed

"Oh yeah she might seem all sweet and innocent but she is anything but in bed" I laughed

We walked out the front doors where a bus was waiting with the rest of the team already on.

"Court, Jones you're late" Coach yelled

"What else is new" Ashton mumbled under his breath and I coughed back a laugh

We hopped on the bus taking the two seats near the front. The ride was mostly silent, too early to make small talk. Soon the bus pulled up to the fields and we all filed off going to the bench to put on our gear. A team from England was also there looking a lot more lively than any of us.

"Come on, let's go!" Coach Michael yelled from the field making us all groan slowly rising to our feet and doing a light jog over to where he stood in the middle of the field.

"Jackson go net" he instructed "The rest of you grab a ball and line up. You miss the net or it's saved, you do suicides at the end understand?"

"Yes coach" we all mumbled sinuously still standing in our positions

"Okay well let's go" he clapped his hands together

We got in line to do the drill, normally my head is one hundred percent in the task but this morning my mind kept slipping off to my night with Savannah. And she's all mine.

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