Chapter Twenty Three

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Nathaniel's POV

Savannah was slightly snoring beside me with her head leaned up against the window. We have been flying for six hours and she's been out for about four of them. I look over at Ashton who is wide awake with a sleeping Rachel. He looks over and rolls his eyes

"I'm so glad I brought company"

I nodded my head over to Savannah "She is so not a morning person. I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did"

"I've never seen you look at a girl the way you look at her"

"Savannah isn't like any girl. She doesn't dress to impress she dresses for her comfort and doesn't care what others think"

Ashton nodded in agreement "That was one of the things I loved so much about Rachel, she's the same way" Coach Michael walked down the aisle

"Court, Jones what are you two doing up? Get some sleep, don't think I'm going easy on you guys this week" truth is Coach Michael was never easy he always said that if we didn't want to give one hundred percent than go to another team but he won't put up with that shit.

"Yes coach" we said at the same time

I placed the blanket you can get on the plane over my legs and leaned my head on Savannah's shoulder before falling slowly to sleep.

I woke up to someone running their fingers threw my hair and looked up from Savannah's shoulder to see her wide awake playing with my hair. I stretched and turned to Savannah

"What time is it?" I asked

"Welp it's about four thirty at home or nine thirty in Paris. We land in half an hour"

"I slept for four hours?"

"I guess" She laughed "I was asleep when you went to sleep"

"How long have you been up?"

She shrugged "About three hours"

"What have you been doing?"

"I watched a couple movies" she said and I nodded

"Cool, cool"

"Don't forget we have to call your parents when we land"

"How could I forget"

"Are telling them about us when we get home?"

"Yeah if you're okay with that" I answered and she nodded

"Better to tell them sooner rather than later" she started to look nervous so I grabbed her hand a squeezed "Hey, everything will be okay, okay?" she nodded

There was a ding sound and the seat belt light went on.

"We have now turned on the light for buckling up your seat belt so can everyone please do that now" the flight attendant came over the intercom

Savannah and I both put on the seat belts and looked out the window as the scenery got closer and buildings got bigger. She turned to me and gave me a smile as bright as all the city lights. Soon the plane was rolling down the track.

"Ladies and gentlemen we have now landed in Paris France"

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