Chapter Thirty Five

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Savannah's POV

"My best friend is graduating today!" I cheered waking the boys

We had stayed in a holiday inn with two beds, one for Nate and I and the other for Brayden.

"Savannah what time is it?"

"It's 7:30 but if you want breakfast I suggest you get up cause it ends at 8:30"

They both slowly sat up and noticed I was ready to go. I was in a light material maxi dress that was patterned in turquoise, orange and white with sandals and ray bans.

"I'm going to go eat. Meet you guys down there?" they both nodded and I left the room

I was busy making a waffle when I was rudely interrupted.

"Hey baby, here alone?"

I turned and saw a guy probably around Brayden's age with a smug look on his face surrounded by his little "pose"

"Actually dickhead I'm here with my boyfriend"

I don't know if it was the boyfriend part or dickhead part but something set him off. You could see it in his eyes.

"What was that" he slammed me against the waffle bar and since no one was in the place I was left to fend for myself. Not that I was too afraid.

"I said I have a boyfriend dickhead" I sneered he then leaned on me capturing my body with his while his hands went up to my dress and bra straps and started pulling them down. I kneed him where no man ever wants to be kneed and he dropped to the ground. At that point his pose thought it was time to step in and just when the one grabbed me I heard his voice

"I wouldn't do that"

The one turned around "And you are?"

"I'm the older brother" Brayden smirked

"You said you were here with your boyfriend" the one questioned with a challenging glare

"Ah speak of the devil" I said as Nate walked in, his face dropped when he saw the guy gripping my arm and went to go at the guy before Brayden stopped him.

"He's letting her go" Brayden looked over "Aren't you"

The guys were definitely out sized by a soccer player and cop and would stand no chance

"Uh... Yeah let's go guys" When he let go of me he slapped my butt and Nate's eyes went dark before he swung and cracked the guy's nose.

"Get the fuck out of here and if I ever see you even look in her direction you will have a lot worst than a broken nose" Nate growled

I ran over to them capturing them both in a hug "I love you guys"

"We love you too" Brayden said

"Wait is something burning?" Nate asked and my eyes widen

"My waffle!" I turned back to see the machine smoking and quickly lifted the top to see my black waffle. After staring at my waffle crisp we decided to just go to Ihop. After having non burnt waffles we headed to Brooke's school. Walking through the halls felt so weird, as if I hadn't been there for years.

"You okay?" Nate asked

"Yeah, I think I am"

"Oh my god! Is that Savannah? Savannah White?" I cringed at Jenny's extremely high pitch voice

"Hi Jenny" I faked a smile and squeezed Nate's hand

"And to think everyone thought you were dead"

"Oh, no, not dead" I chuckled awkwardly

"And who's this" and cue her flirty voice

"I'm her boyfriend" Nate put emphasis on boyfriend

"Please Savannah could never get a boyfriend let alone someone as good looking as you"

"Come on let's go the slut isn't worth it" I pulled at Nate's hand and dragged him down the hallway as he still shot daggers at Jenny.

"How could she say that about you"

"It's fine"


"I'm okay, okay?"

"I love you"

"And I love you"

"Guys come on it's starting" Brayden called

"Welcome, students, family, friends on one of the biggest days of their lives. These kids have worked very hard to get here, so an around of applause for our graduates"

We all clapped and cheered and soon they started calling names.

"Brooklyn Pierce"

We all cheered and Brayden had the brightest smile which only grew when she winked at him.

Soon it was over and I went over to Brooke's parents and waited for Brooke.

"Savannah? Oh my gosh look at you! And in a dress" Janet, Brookes mom gushed

"Hi Janet and yes a dress" I smiled "Hi Martin"

"Hey Savannah, how's Florida been?"

"Amazing actually" Nate stood quietly in the background and I grab his hand "This is my boyfriend Nathaniel, Nate this is Janet and Martin, Brooke's parents"

"It's nice to meet"

"You too" Janet said "Well Savannah you seem genuinely happy"

"I am. The Courts are great"

"Well we're happy for you"

"Brookey!" Martin cheered and I turned to face my best friend who was already wrapped up in Brayden's arms

"We're so proud of you" her parents embraced her

"You did it!" I cheered when it was finally my turn and we hugged

"I did"

I let her go so she could go back into Brayden's arms.

"Well kids why don't we go out for lunch?" Janet asked and we all agreed

I missed this place but Florida is my home now.

The Courts are my home now.

Nate is my home now. 

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