First Day

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Ari's Pov

Ethan and I walk to our first class and take our seats the teacher calls roll and asks the class to go around telling one thing about ourselves

It's Ethan's turn, I look at him

"Hi guys, My name is Ethan Dolan. I'm a twin and this is my bestfriend Arielle"

I giggle "Thanks E. My name is Arielle Johnson. I've lived here all my life. With this dork" I laugh and point to Ethan

The rest of the day went like that...

After School

"Hey E" I catch him walking out the doors of the school

"Hey Ari" He says as he hugs me "What's up?"

"I got invited to a party tonight. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with?" I ask him quietly

He chuckles softly "Of course Arielle"

I smile brightly and hug him "Thanks E"

Ethan's Pov

We walk to my front porch

"Hey Ari, do you wanna come in for a bit? "

She smiles and nods

I open the door and see my mom and cam

"Hey guys, look who I brought home" I move to the side and they both hug Ari

"Ari!!!" Cam shrieks "we haven't seen you since the summer,  how have you been? "

Ari giggles "I've been good Cam" she looks at me and smiles

We stay downstairs for 20 minutes then I pull her upstairs "sorry mom and Cam we have work to do"

Ari giggles "see you Lisa, see you Cam"

Once we make it to the room we plop on the bed

Ari's Pov

"Where's Gray?" I ask Ethan

He looks at me "He went back to Jersey to go to school"

"Oh.  I'm sorry to hear that" I say looking at him

"Don't be. He's happy and he'll be back for holidays and our birthdays" He says rubbing my shoulder.

I smile "Thanks E" I give him a hug

He looks into my eyes and starts to lean in.  I lean in too. Our lips are about to touch when...

Ooooo... Cliffhangers...  What do you thinks gonna happen at the party???

Let me know in the comments.

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