Date Or Nahhh?

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Ari's Pov

I woke up in my bed and I rolled over and hit something hard. I open my eyes and Ethan is laying there. He's so perfect. I give him a small kiss and hop out of bed, I look at my phone and see I have a text from Jess

J: Bitchhh wakeee yo ass up!!!
A: What do you want hoe?
J: Wanna go to the mall slut?
A: Can't asshole Ethan's over
J: He spent the night?
A: Of course you asswipe😂😂
J: Don't get sassy with me motherfucker
A: Well damnnn. Gotta Zayn. Shower time
J: Okayyyy TTYL

After I got out of the shower I ran to my room to find some clothes.. Luckily Ethan was still sleep. I swear he sleeps like he's dead. I watch him for a second. I smile as I turn around to get my clothes out of my drawer then I walk into my bathroom to change

 I smile as I turn around to get my clothes out of my drawer then I walk into my bathroom to change

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I walk out and into my room to see Ethan staring at me.. I giggle "What are you looking at?"

"The most beautiful girl in the world" He smiles brightly. He stands up to his me and whispers in my ear "I'm so glad you're my bestfriend"

I smile "I'm glad you're my bestfriend too" I wish you were more but I don't want to be hurt again

"Are you hungry? I could make us some food?"

"Actually not really, but I did want to know if you wanted to go out with me tonight?" He asked rather quickly

I nod "It's a date" I say cheerfully "as friends" I add

He smiles "I don't care what it is I'm just happy you said yes" He says picking me up and planting little kisses on my cheek

"What time do you want to go?"

"We could leave at 7" He states

I look at my phone "We have 6 hours. What do you want to do?"

He puts his finger on his chin "Hmm.. We could do this.." He leans in to kiss me and I push his face away laughing

"Or..." I start, looking around the room "we could watch 13 reasons why on netflix?"

"Again?!?!" He complains. "I'd rather not" He stated

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked looking into his eyes. They were green right now.. normally they are brown

Ethan chuckled "I told you what I wanted to do" He said looking me up and down and licking his lips.

I hit him softly on his chest "you are an idiot!!" I shriek laughing at him. I sigh and sit on my couch. He sits next to me and I turn on Netflix and we start re-watching the seventh season of Pretty Little Liars 

(My Favorite Show!!!!)

After the show was over, we talked for a little while and I fell asleep on his lap.

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