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Ari's Pov

When I woke up that morning I was smiling at the dream I just had, in a instance I rolled over and kissed Ethan on the cheek. He stirred in the bed a bit and then I got up and smiled down at him. I hopped in the shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face and started getting dressed for my day

When I was done I walked back into my room to see Ethan still sleeping I looked over at him and smiled, I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, there was a note from my mother

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When I was done I walked back into my room to see Ethan still sleeping I looked over at him and smiled, I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs, there was a note from my mother


I'm going out of town for a few weeks. I'll be back in 2 weeks, Ethan and Jess can stay over whenever you like just don't go crazy. Be good and go to school. Love you, I'll check in call me if you need anything

Love Mom

I sit down at the table and I sigh, then I get back up and start making breakfast, once I'm done I walk upstairs and peek into my room, I see Ethan looking at old pictures of us and I start smiling to myself.

"Ethan" I say walking in. He turns around and looks at me "Yes babe?" He says with a smile "My mom's out of town for the next two weeks she said I could have you and Jess to stay over to keep me company" He slightly smiles and walks over to me "That sounds nice" He walks behind me and puts his arms around my waist and whispers in my ear "What did you have in mind?" I bite down on my lip as he send chills down my spine. I shake it off "um.. I made breakfast and I was thinking that later we could go to the mall or the park or something" I say with a smile. He turns me to face him "Yeah, that sounds like an excellent plan" He hugs me and travels his hands down to my ass "You look really nice today" He looks me up and down biting his lip "and very sexy, I don't know if i should let you out the house looking like this" He leans in and whispers "I might not be able to control myself in public" He says smacking my ass.

I giggle "You'll be just fine babe" I grab his hand and pull him downstairs and we eat the plates I made for us. After we eat, we go into the living room and turn on the T.V., I almost immediately get a phone call, I step into the kitchen to answer it, I look at the caller id and its Jess

A: Hey Jess

J: Hey Ari, what are you up to today?

A: Nothing hanging out with Ethan. Why whats up?

J: I just wanted to hang out with you, I feel I never see you anymore

A: Sure Jess, did you want to come over later, we're going to the park?

J: Sure, text me the time to come over

A: Okay, talk to you later

I hang up the phone and head back over to Ethan. "Hey babe, what did Jess say?" He asked smiling. "Oh nothing really just wanted to hang out today. I told her we might be going to the park or something she's coming with I guess" I said with a small smile. We turn back to the TV and watch the movie that he picked when the movie was over I decided to text Jess and tell her that we are leaving for the park in a few minutes. She doesn't respond so we wait a few minutes, by 5 pm when she doesn't respond we decide to go ahead and go.

"Ethan?" I look at him a bit worried "What's wrong babe?" He asks me calmly "After we leave from the park can we go check on Jess? it's not like her to not respond. It's been 2 hours." "Sure babe we'll go right after" He gives me a reassuring smile. Once we get to the park we walk around a bit and then we head to Jess' house, once we arrive on the doorstep I knock on the door and she answers it fully dressed like she's going out.

"Hey Jess" We say with big smiles. "What are you doing here?" She asks kind of coldly. "We came to check on you after you didn't reply to my text message, we were worried about you" I respond. She looks directly at me and says with a snarky attitude "I don't need your pity Ari, I wanted to hang out with my bestfriend today and all you wanted to do was hang around your boyfriend" I stand in front of her shocked "That is not true Jess, I invited you out if I just wanted to hang with Ethan I wouldn't have invited you or better yet I wouldn't have answered the phone if that was the case.

"Why didn't you come and check on me sooner, that was 3 hours ago?" She yelled. "I thought you were just busy or sleep or caught up with something, I didn't think you were any immediate danger and you're not you're fine." I said calmly "And plus, if you only wanted to hang with me you could have said so instead of not showing up and not responding back" "Oh whatever" Jess said as she rolled her eyes "She's right Jess" Ethan interjected "we were worried about you" Jess laughed "apparently not enough" "Jess!" Ethan yells her name "that is enough, Ari cares about you and so do I, I know I don't know you all that well but anyone important to her is important to me"

"Let's go Ethan" I sigh "Apparently, she doesn't want anything to do with us" I say as I walk back toward the car. Ethan follows behind me and we get in. The ride home was silent once we arrived home we went up to my room and laid across my bed "You okay babe?" Ethan asked me with pure sadness in his eyes. I sigh "Yeah sure, are you okay you look sad?" I question him "Yeah I'm fine" He starts, he lets out a long sigh before continuing, "I just feel like I made the whole situation a bad one, I should have made you go see what was wrong with her first and earlier when you said she wanted to hang out I should have went home and let you hang with your friend. I'm sorry that I did that" He looks down when he finishes his thought.

I pull his face up to mine "Don't do that" I say with a smile "Nothing's your fault, never say it's your fault. She should have been more clear and when I mentioned you and invited her to the park she could have said no or something like that. She was sending mixed signals all day it wasn't your fault nor was it mine" I smile at him and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

Falling For You// E.DWhere stories live. Discover now