Hanging out

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Ari's Pov

The next morning I told my mom I wasn't feeling well so I couldn't go to school, she said that it was fine and she went to work, I locked the door behind her

Once I walked back into my room I fell back asleep, around 12 I woke up to like 5 messages I opened them

Ethan: Why didn't you come to school today?

Ethan: I talked to your mom I know you're not really sick. Look just call me at lunch so we can talk

Ethan: I'm at lunch do you want me to stop by after or do you want to call me now so we can talk about this?

Other than the texts from Ethan there was one from my other friend Jessica

Jess: Hey Ari what's wrong? Are you okay? Call me I'm worried.

I called her before she texted me back

"Hey Jess"

Jess: "Hey girl what's wrong?"

I tell her everything from Ethan telling me he loved me to the call I got from him last night.

Jess: "Oh my gosh babes I'm so sorry"

"It's not your fault babes"

Jess: "I'll come over later and we'll do something"

I giggle over the phone "Sure Jess, see you later"

"Okay babes, It'll be okay"

She hangs up and I turn on the television

Ethan's Pov

I walk out of the lunchroom on the way to my locker and I see Jessica from my 3rd and 7th periods walking over

"Hey Jessica, have you heard from Ari today?" I ask concerned

"Yeah I have and you should know as well as I do that only her 'friends' call her Ari" She retorts

I sigh "I am her friend. I'm her bestfriend"

"You were" She says

"Is this about what happened at the dance because I swear I didn't kiss Cynthia" I argue

"No this is not about you and that bitch kissing" she yells "this is about you telling her that you didn't want to be friends with her anymore you jackass" She finishes and with that she walked off leaving me in the hallway alone as the first bell rang

Oh my god, I said that, I love her, why would I say that? I question myself as I walk into my seventh period class.

After Class

Ari's Pov

School had just let out and Jess texted me and said she was on her way to my house. It'll be fun doing something with my friend and not having to worry about Ethan for once.

While I was waiting for Jess I hear a knock on the door maybe it's Jess I thought to myself I open the door and I look at the person who is standing there with a frown

Ethan I whisper to myself. I look him dead in the eye

"What are you doing here?" I ask angrily

"I'm here to try to understand what I did wrong" He starts "Jessica said that I told you last night that I didn't want to be friends I don't remember that. The last thing I remember is our fight and you breaking up with me" He finishes with a sigh

"Ethan.. After our fight I went home and at about 12 you called me, you were drunk off your ass. When I told you I wouldn't take you back that's when you told me you didn't want to be friends anymore. That hurt me more than anything" I said looking down at my feet

Falling For You// E.DWhere stories live. Discover now