Next Day

22 1 4

Ari's Pov

I woke up at 7 when I heard my alarm go off. I rolled over and hit something... Or someone. I looked to my left and saw Ethan. I smiled a bit when I remembered last night... I didn't know what this meant for us. We're gonna have to have a serious talk. I put on one of my oversized shirts and a pair of underwear and walk downstairs to begin making us breakfast. This is going to be interesting.

Ethan's Pov

I wake up with a smile on my face. I look to my right and see that Ari isn't there, but I smell food cooking downstairs so I walk into the hall.. "Ari.." I call walking down stairs. I see her in the kitchen cooking and dancing to her music. I walk over to her and place my hands around her waist and kiss her on the cheek "Goodmorning princess"

Ari's Pov

As I was cooking, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. I smile "Goodmorning Ethan" I turn to look at him "are you hungry?" I ask him with a smile. "Sure" He replies, he turns on the TV while I make his plate. I hear my phone ringing "Ethan, could you answer that?" I yell over to him "Sure thing" He answers it.

Ethan's Pov (Sorry I'm switching alot)

"Hello?" I say more like ask into the phone

"Hey Ethan, where's Ari?" Jess asks

"Hey Jess, she's cooking right now. Could I have her call you back?" I question

"Sure Ethan, thanks" She says before she hangs up.

I look at the phone and set it down on the table next to the couch, I smile to myself thinking about Ari. She's nice and she's cool and she's making me breakfast. She's so cute, I just want to take her in my arms and hold her and never let go

She snaps me out of my thoughts by waving her hand in front of my face.

Ari's Pov

"Who was on the phone E?" I ask him. I get no response, I sigh turning around to him. I see him staring at me. I walk up to him and wave my hand in front of his face... "Earth to Ethan" I say with a giggle.

He looks at me and smiles. "Where'd you go?" I ask smiling as I gave him his plate. He smirks "I was just thinking about you." Just as he said that, I felt my face heat up. I think he caught on because he started rubbing my leg. "all good things I swear" He said with a smile plastered on his face

I smile at him before I start eating. "What did Jess want?" I asked him "Oh, she didn't say but I would call her back, she seemed... Hesitant to me." I chuckled "Maybe she's on her period" I looked at him and his face was priceless. I busted out laughing. "just eat your food" I looked and him

Once I was done with my food, I called Jess

A: Hey Jess
J: Hey Ari, you still with Ethan?
A: Yeah, just watching a movie. You okay?
J: Yes and No, can I come over?
A: Sure. Do I need to get rid of him or something?
J: Not until I get there
A: Okay. See you in a bit?
J: Yeah in a bit

I hang up and look at Ethan "When Jess gets here could you like go in my room or the back?"

He looks at me confused but nods his head. "Thanks E, don't come out till I come get you" I add "Okay Ari" just as he said that the doorbell rang. I got up and took him to my room, then I went downstairs to answer the door

"Hey Jess" I said as I opened the door. She looked as if she was going to breakdown and cry. I ushered her inside and sat beside her on the couch. "What's wrong bestfriend?" I asked her. She looked at me and wipes away a few of her tears "My parents are getting divorced" She says a bit above a whisper. I just hug her tightly. "I'm so sorry Jess" just then my mom walks in. "Hey babe, Hey Jess" Jess looks up at her with reddened eyes, she starts bawling again.

My mom looks at me and I just put my head down. She comes over to the couch and asks Jess what's wrong. Jess tells her and my mom let's her cry on her lap. She takes out her phone and sends a text. I hear my phone go off. I look at it "Was that Ethan's car I saw outside?" I look at her and nod and I get another message "is he still here?" I nod again and get another message "Go... I'll take care of Jess, go be with Ethan" I replied back to her "She's going to be mad at me if she finds out I left her for a guy" she looks at me and smiles "Ari, there's a list of groceries on the counter, could you go to the store?" "Sure mom" I respond back.

I text Ethan and tell him to meet me outside. I grab my keys and walk out to my car waiting for Ethan. He runs to my car and hops in. "is your mom home?" I nod as I drive off to the park. Once at the park we just sit on the swings and talk. This'll be a good time to ask him I take a deep breath and then I look at him


"Yeah Ari" he looks at me intently

"What are we exactly? I mean, I know we're friends but.. " I drift off not knowing what to say

He chuckles softly "We're what you want us to be?"
I look down at my shoes "I don't know what I want us to be"

He looks at me, gets off his swing and stands in front of me holding my hands "I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for being a bad boyfriend and a bad bestfriend. I can't take any of that back, all I can do is try to be better. I'll be better to you. For you."

I look at him and just sigh "E... I love you too" I admitted "I know you can't take anything back. You weren't a bad boyfriend or bestfriend. I was a bad girlfriend and bestfriend if anything. I didn't let you explain, maybe if I had.." I look down "we'd be together" I mumble almost inaudibly

He tilts my head up to look at him "it's not your fault. Never say it's your fault. You're not to blame for any of this" he mumbles that last part

I sigh heavily and stand up to hug him "I'm so sorry. I love you so much Ethan" I kiss his cheek. He looks at me "I love you too, you're my bestfriend in the whole world. I never meant to hurt you. You're my everything"

After a few seconds he looks at me "do you wanna get back together?"

Falling For You// E.DWhere stories live. Discover now