6 A Waste of Space

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I close the door of my office and remain standing while Moretti examines my yellowing globe.

"Such a waste of space," he says, his fingers trailing over the globe as it spins.

"What do you mean?" I suppose he could mean the globe takes up too much room in my office. I happen to like it. There is always the option where he means the planet it stands for is the offending object.

He points to a spot above Elleany. "What do you call this land?"


"And this?" He motions to the country below us.


He clasps his hands behind his back. "You've had your country for over two hundred years, and you've hardly expanded." Hardly?

"Expansion is not something we're interested in, Preeminence."

He drags his finger along the globe. "Pity."

Well we're off to a great start. I take a seat at my desk, a cue for Moretti to take one of the two seats across from me.

"I wished to speak to you about the Raggioet."

"Are you asking for my advice on what to do about her?"

"No. Not exactly." How do I phrase this in a way he wants to hear? "I'm interested in what would come from me having children with her." The words taste sour on my tongue when usually the idea of having children with her would fill my chest with warmth.

The skin between his eyes creases. "You're Elleany's Preeminence; you have to marry an Amoris."

"I wish to try to find out if we were wrong about her Expiration Date or if there is something about her that prevented us from knowing her true Expiration Date."

"And why must it be you who has children with her?"

I lean back in my seat, gut churning even as I project the picture of leisure. "Is that really a question? I'd have thought it was obvious."

Moretti settles back in his seat as well. "I myself cannot give permission for this."

My heart lodges in my throat.

"It's against the rules Amoria set for Elleany. However"—I seize onto the word—"if you are serious about this, then you'll have to come to Amoria and make your case before the individual Orders."

Going there would be dangerous. One wrong flick of my gaze and my secret would be known. My only safety net would be the tradition of Preeminences, even on Amoria, keeping their Date a secret. But this is a chance—the opportunity I need to be able to spend however long I have left with Iris.

Otherwise my option is to marry an Amoris, and how long can I really keep my secret from my spouse?

"Well then." I stand. "I shall look forward to seeing your home, Preeminence." 

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