8 The Things Did Not Go as Planned Drawer

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I'm meeting the Wattpad Stars: GavinHetherington and neverfakeit today for pizza! Please, somebody pinch me (be gentle).


My cousin leaps over the back of the sofa. "We're finally killing her?"

I finally got Iris to pass out, and now I have to deal with him? "No."

"Then why?" He thrusts his arm out toward Iris slumped on the ground.

Oh Bently, why didn't you keep your mouth shut?

I shrug walking back around my desk and open up—as I call it—the things-did-not-go-as-planned drawer. Making sure Bently can't see, I grab the bottle I've also deemed the things-did-not-go-as-planned bottle and pour it on the cloth.

"Colton, answer me."

I screw the lid back on and close the drawer and smile at him. "I'm not inclined to answer."

"Then why is Iris on your floor?"

I lunge for him, tackling him to the ground. He throws his arm toward my face, but I duck to the left and press the cloth down into his mouth. He tries to throw me off, but I press down harder. His movements slow until he stops moving all together.

Dropping the cloth, I stand and wipe my hands on my pants, staring at the two bodies now gracing my floor. This complicates things. Iris knows where I'm going and Bently knows I knocked Iris out and him. That's it then.

They have to come with me.

I open my office closet and grab a case of hypothermic needles filled with a serum that will keep the two of them knocked out until long after we are in the air. Jonas doesn't know I have this.

And he never needs to find out.

But one must always be prepared.

I roll up Bently's sleeve and clean his arm off with a wipe before injecting the needle. I don't bother wiping off Iris's arm before giving her the shot. She'll be fine, and if she isn't, well, who cares?

I grab my bags and take them to my car down in the garage located below the Estate. No one questions me. Scowling usually prevents that. I drive my car up to the surface and park out front. How exactly am I going to get those two to my car?

I return to my office studying the two bodies sprawled where I left them. Sighing, I scoop Iris up in my arms. She's a deadweight. Honestly it would be so easy to kill her. It's really not fair. I head out into the hall, hoping my scowl is again enough to keep anyone from asking me why my brother's fiancée is asleep in my arms. This probably looks bad, but not as bad as it really is. We could only be having an illicit affair, instead I knocked her out and taking her out of the country against her will.

Servants and family members give me odd looks, and a few closer family members open their mouths but shut them when I send them a scowl. I've really perfected the art of it. With time and patience, you can master almost anything.

"Colton, there—" My mother stops short in the hallway from where she rounded the corner. My father is at her side.

"Why is Iris asleep?" he asks. "And in your arms?"

"She's taken to sobbing uncontrollably around me since Jonas left. She passed out on the couch in my office."

My mother points behind me. "Her room is that way."

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