12 I Get a Real Shock

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The palace gardens are breathtaking, and I've been exploring them for at least thirty minutes, a long time to have my breath stolen away. With Alix walking at my side, I'm getting serious déjà vu of when I walked through the maze with Jonas on my first morning at the Estate—before he took me to eat—the first time just the two of us ever ate together.

"You're smiling," Alix says.

"Your gardens are lovely." What is Jonas doing now, besides for being on the ship? I won't be able to contact him from France. What will the Society tell him when he tries to reach me, and I'm gone?

"They're the pride of the palace."

"I'm sure there are many things to be proud of here."

"Oui, but the gardens are my pride and joy." The way he speaks makes it sound as if he was the one who put effort into designing this garden, planting each flower and tree, and placing each stone. I've lived at the Society for a while now, and I can't imagine any of the Order lifting a watering can. "I hope you will find France to your liking." He takes my hand and raises it to his lips before pressing a kiss against the back of it. I pull away as politely as I can.

"I'm sure I will. I would love to visit again with the Preeminence after our wedding."

He steps toward me, and I step back. "I'm sorry he can't be with us," he says, but is he? Since he suggested a walk in the gardens—only for me and him—he's been more than subtly flirting with me. I don't think it has anything to do with me personally, but because of who I'm engaged to. If he wasn't the king of the country I'm currently stuck in for an indeterminate amount of time, I would have returned inside a while ago and bothered Bently until Colton and Vienna emerged from wherever they had secluded themselves. But as it stands, I can't afford to offend the king of France. He takes both my hands this time and massages them with his thumbs. "You are a very lovely woman, Iris. Jonas is very lucky."

I pull my hands away, not caring about manners this time. It doesn't deter him, his green eyes trying to attempt a smolder as if they could pin me in place. "I've been friends with Jonas for a very long time, and you should know he's never had an issue sharing with me before."

All right. This is getting out of hand. "Really? I've never noticed much of a sharing side to him. He's not really about that sharing is caring thing."

"I have known him longer than you."

"Oui." I take a step back. "I was hoping to be able to explore Paris before the sunsets." And hoping that the basic French Jonas taught me will be enough to get by. "If you would excuse me, Your Majesty."

"Alix, please." He reaches into his coat, a deep green, and pulls out a stack of folded Euros. "Please allow me to give you some money to enjoy yourself with."

I am not going to feel bad about accepting money from a king, who already has enough judging by his palace, so I take it. "Thank you."

"Of course. I've heard wonders about this little bakery. . ." He begins to tell me all the things I must do in only a few hours' time. Eventually he lets me out through the front gates of the palace. They close behind me with a clang, and with a tight smile to the king, I take off down the street, admiring the city. I'm doing this alone—exploring the city, directing myself, living my life for a few hours on my own. Yes, I'm Expired and able to die, but so can all the people I pass. We're all mortal together, and there is something beautifully poignant in that.

As I explore, I purchase some clothes so I can have something to wear other than the current blouse and skirt that have followed me from Elleany, and I try all sorts of pastries in bakeries I pass.

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