47 Connect the Dots

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They're gone.

When I woke this morning, I didn't think anything of Iris not being in bed beside me. I'd reached my hand out for her, but she wasn't there. I thought she must have slipped out to use the bathroom, but after heading down to the kitchen and getting out the ingredients to cook eggs and pancakes, there had still been no sign of her. Worry gnawed at my stomach, but I convinced myself it was hunger.

Then Sebastian walked past me headed for the bathroom. From the stove, I could hear the door open and shut without the hesitation that would usually accompany two people running into each other in a doorway.

I swallowed hard.

"Iris?" I called.

When no one answered, I called out her name again, this time loud enough to bring the whole household running into the kitchen, including Sebastian from the bathroom. Andrew wasn't among them.

Now, standing in the doorway of his room, I stare at his unmade bed.

Sidling up to me, Erik grips his phone in his right hand. "He won't pick up." I know he's referring to Andrew. The last I saw of Colton and Sebastian, they were both dialing Andrew's number. Erik places his hand on my arm. I flinch, looking down at it. He squeezes my arm reassuringly—not what I'd expect from him. "We'll find her."

Words fail me, and I barely manage a nod.

She's Expired.



I'm supposed to be acting like a leader damn it. I can't allow fear to swallow me. Iris and Bently are both relying on me to stay strong, to find them. "Get the maps," I order Tobias as he comes up the stairs.

"Yes, Preeminence."

Preeminence. I'm a Preeminence, not Odette. My hands clench. If she is behind this—if Andrew hasn't taken Iris hostage on his own—I'll make her pay tenfold and save Iris even if it means giving up my final breath.

JulianaTheis made this bingo card for Expiration Date for Instagram stories. If you fill out be sure to tag us because I want to see your answers! Our handles: mikaelabender and juliana_theis

 If you fill out be sure to tag us because I want to see your answers! Our handles: mikaelabender and juliana_theis

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Exported [Book 3 in the Expiring Series]Where stories live. Discover now