78 The Chapter In Which Mikaela Finally Ends This Book

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Three days after Iris's and my date, Colton and Tobias drag the Amorian I've been searching for into my office at the Estate in Elleany. A gag is threaded between his lips and around his head.

The soldiers finished processing the prisoners when they were boarding them onto the planes. I saw this one's face and name come up in the system while I was seated on a private plane with my family, Iris, Vienna, and Alastair. Once we arrived home, the first order of business was sending my brother and cousin for the Amoris named Illias.

I remain seated behind my desk, eyes locked onto the purple ones with which Illias uses to glare at me. There's no reason now to hide from him what I am, and I really do relish the power that comes with direct eye contact.

His expression wavers, and he shrinks back from me as far as Tobias's and Colton's grip will allow.

"I want him kept in a cell away from other prisoners."

"Yes, Preeminence," they both say.

"The two of you and Sebastian will be the ones to look after him."

"If you're worried about him talking"—Colton's grip tightens on the man—"I could always cut out his tongue."

It's a mystery how I don't wince. "That won't be necessary." I'm not a brute. I won't stoop to the level of my father's Order. "Remove his gag," I say, and as they do so, I fold my hands, resting them on the desk as I wait.

Once the gag is off, Illias remains quiet.

"I may have no plans to remove your tongue, but I can still make your stay here unhospitable."

"I have done nothing," he says in Amorian. "I did not ask to know your secret."

"You served Odette Clarignon."

"I was born in France. Why should I have had to hide in fear in my own homeland while humans did not?" He shakes his head, laughing, disgust lacing the sound. "They would have tortured us until our Expiration Dates if we had revealed what we were. How is that fair?"

Tobias digs his fingers into Illias's arm. "So your plan was to kill them first?"

Illias remains silent.

"You and your fellow Amorians aided her in capturing innocent people and stood by as she slaughtered them." And forced Iris and Bently to watch. I clench my hands together. "Now how many did you tell my secret to?"

"Preeminence Clarignon wasn't the only one interested in your fiancée. We all were, and not many of us thought she should die only because her Expiration Date was wrong. It was something that should be celebrated."

"Who did you tell?"

"No one, Preeminence."

I narrow my eyes. "Who?"

"No one."

Colton punches Illias in the jaw, and the Amoris's knees buckle, collapsing to the floor when Tobias lets go of him.

My cousin tilts his head, looking down at the man. "I was expecting a little more spunk."

"So was I," Colton nudges Illias with the toe of his shoe. Cupping his jaw, Illias glares up at him.

I'd keep all of Odette's Amoris here on Earth if Amoria would allow it. As it stands, I have less than a day before they depart.

"I told no one, but if I did, I am sure you will find out who I spoke to soon enough."

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