22 A Lead and The SYFY Pilot is Out

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The Expiration Date pilot is out on SYFY! I'll post the link on my wall and attach it to this chapter for those of you on a desktop. This couldn't have happened without all of you, and I love you so much. If you want Expiration Date to become a series for SYFY, please, please, please watch the pilot if you are able to. It's free! It isn't geo locked so most everyone should be able to access it in their country! If you Tweet or Instagram or anything about it, be sure to use the hashtag #ItsAFanThing so SYFY sees it!

 It's free! It isn't geo locked so most everyone should be able to access it in their country! If you Tweet or Instagram or anything about it, be sure to use the hashtag #ItsAFanThing so SYFY sees it!

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I'll also be taking over the Wattpad Instagram account tomorrow! I'm in New York City right now and hope to show some of the city on Wattpad's Instagram story.


With a jolt I sit up in bed.

The darkness and coldness creep toward me. I pull the covers up farther. They're warm and slick. Erik. He was there, before my eyes a moment ago. Dead. On the ground. A gun in my hands.

I'm still haunted from that moment in the rebels' bunker when he advanced on me, telling me to shoot him.

I take deep breaths that scratch at my throat. Erik is still alive. His Expiration Date isn't for a long time.

I shove the covers away, pushing myself out of bed to turn on the lights. After slipping into a robe, I pull back the curtains. A sky full of stars greets me, each constellation as beautiful as a diamond necklace. I try to find all the constellations Jonas has shown me: Libra, Orion, Auriga and so many more. Not all are visible, but the stars remind me of him. They take my mind off the green door that Erik always hides behind in my dreams. I twist the engagement ring, running my finger over each diamond. If I could just talk to Jonas for a moment, I know he'd calm me down.

I let the drapes fall back in place. My fiancé is headed to a different planet. We're not a normal couple and that somehow means I have to deal with bad dreams on my own.

I take a seat at the desk and pull out a piece of stationary paper and a pen. If I can't talk to him, I might as well fake it.


What do you think about getting a hamster—

Someone raps on the door. "Iris. It's me, Vienna."

I abandon the paper for the door, and I don't even manage to open it all the way because she slips in the moment the crack is wide enough. She flips the lock for me.


"They almost have him."

My heart lurches up my throat. "Erik?"

She clenches her fist, her fingers rubbing at her palm. "They'll have him before tomorrow evening." She grabs hold of my hand and presses her hand into mine. I feel a thin and slightly damp piece of paper passed into my palm. I glance from her to my hand, peering down at the slip of paper. An address, its print hastily scrawled.

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