31 Damsel

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Iris drives her punch into my stomach. I grimace, grabbing her arm in both my hands. I twist her around, bringing her into a position that if she moves, her arm will break.

Iris reaches back with her other arm, her fingers opening and closing—clawing. She mutters something about stupid eyeballs.

Thankfully my rather lovely eyeballs remain just out of reach of her nails.

While her hand grapples for my eyes, Bently charges across the training room. Not wanting to risk being brought down with her, I let go and step out of the way as Bently crashes against her, sending them both down on the gray mat.

On the other end of the training room, Erik, Andrew, and Basile spar.

Iris squirms underneath Bently, but there's no getting away. He's sprawled out on her like a bear that fell from the sky.

"Comfortable?" I ask.

Iris narrows her eyes, her face red. Bently must be making it hard to breathe.

"Don't tell me you'd rather train with them." I jerk my chin toward the other group.

Bently shifts onto his elbows and looks down at her, their faces inches apart. "You'd rather it was Erik you were under?"

Iris presses her lips into a thin line. "I'm going to kill you."

"You wouldn't be the first to try, my dear."

Iris tries to throw him off to no avail. In the end, it doesn't matter because Bently starts laughing and rolls off her onto the floor, lying flat on his back. His laugh is deep and loud like he doesn't care who hears him losing his composure.

Basile, Andrew, and Erik send looks our way.

"You aren't that funny," Iris says as she pulls herself to her feet. She gives me a look telling me she's ready to go ahead. I step forward, but she ducks around me and drives her elbow into my back. "Call home."

I turn, sizing her up.

Still laughing, Bently pulls himself up from the floor.


"Colton, you're the only one of the three of us who has a phone. They need to know why we fled from the French. And the Amoris."

"I've already told Gwen about there being an Amoris." I lunge for her, driving a punch to her stomach. She sidesteps it, kicking the back of my knee. My leg gives out, and I lose balance.

"But have you contacted her since?"

I right myself.

"We can't risk my phone being tracked." I slam against her, pinning her against the wall. "We'll just have to live with my family thinking we're bad guys."

She rams her knees into my thigh.

My hold doesn't falter.

"We managed to find Erik and Andrew." Iris stops fighting. "Can we risk Sebastian and Tobias doing the same as well?"

"The Society is loyal to the Society."

Bently's arm wraps around my neck. "You sure about that?" He jerks my neck in the direction of Erik, Andrew, and Basile wrestling.

"I get your point."

Bently pulls me upright, away from Iris. "Can we trust them?"

Iris crosses her arms. "As Erik says, everyone can be trusted."

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