71 Out of Hand

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As soldiers lead Colton away to receive medical attention, I set my attention on the Amoris who knows my secret. He's still unconscious.

I ask Iris if I can have a strand of fabric from her dress. She gives it to me, no questions asked, before bracing herself against the wall.

I brush a strand of hair out of her face. She will always be far more important than my own existence. "You okay?"

She gives me a tired smile. "I will be." Her eyes drop to the scrap of her dress in my hand. "Go. Do whatever you need to do."

I press my lips to her forehead, and she sighs. "I love you," she says.

I leave Iris in the care of Erik, and when I reach the unconscious Amoris, I tie the fabric around him as a gag. He'll need to be handcuffed. I signal two Elleanian soldiers over. As they make their way toward me, Alastair calls out my name.

I keep my body angled toward the soldiers but turn my head toward him. "How are you?" I ask him.

"Was that not exhilarating?"

Try being able to die and then let me know. "Certainly." I glance back to the soldiers who are bending down to pick up the Amoris. "Deliver—"

Alastair grips my arms and turns me toward him, so suddenly I almost forget to divert my eyes from his. "Are you okay?"

I blink. His tone has gone from ecstatic to serious. "What?"

"Are you okay?" He doesn't suspect I'm Expired, does he?

"I'm fine." I try turning back to the soldiers, but Alastair's grip on me tightens.

"I heard about your Digamma kissing your fiancée."

"How did you . . .?"

"Your Theta." Sebastian.

"I'm fine, really."

Alastair releases me. "If you're sure."

The soldiers carry the Amoris away, and I call out, "I want him kept—"

A weight slams into my back, arms encircling me. "Jonas, we made it."

"Erik, damn it, get off me." He's supposed to be looking after Iris. I shrug him off and set off after the soldiers. Three from Amoria step in my path attempting to get my attention. "Excuse me," is all I say and maneuver around them.

But the two soldiers and the Amoris have disappeared in the crowd of soldiers gathered in the throne room; most of whom are carrying prisoners of their own.

My heart pounds, my hands starting to shake. I needed him kept separate, needed him delivered to Elleany and not Amoria where the prisoners will be taken.

I spend an hour searching for him with no success.

Bently is the one to find me, approaching me where I stand on the street with my arms crossed as the prisoners file past me. The sun has risen though storm clouds cover it.


I don't look at him, keeping my eyes on the prisoners. "Hello."

"So I again just wanted to apologize about having to kiss Iris."

"You love her."

He's silent for a stretch too long. "I promise you, I don't love her like that."

I drum my fingers against my arm. "Have more respect for me than that. You've never been much of a . . . fan when it comes to women. Do you really expect me to believe you faked the emotions I saw in your eyes?"


I shake my head. "Please," I say with a scoff.

"I don't love her, cousin. We've bonded on this . . . trip. That is all."

I run a hand through my hair. If I don't find this Amoris, Bently won't need to worry about me being in the way. I spare him a glance. "Whatever you say, Digamma." My tone is cold. He can have his feelings for Iris. Just don't lie to me about them.

Down the street, Gwen sits on the back of an ambulance, its doors open so her legs can hang off the end. A doctor looks over her arm. I haven't had a chance to find out what happened. Alastair stands beside her, his arms crossed.

"I suggest you have someone check you for a concussion," I say to Bently. "Excuse me." I head for the ambulance, the last of the prisoners having filed past, no sign of that one particular Amoris.

Isabeau and Anastasie—as I've been informed is her name—are being held at the palace. Odette was taken to a hospital to see to the stab wounds. Would it be a problem if she suffered from blood loss or infection? Colton has already been taken to a hospital. Vienna went with him.

"Alastair," I say as I approach the ambulence.

He looks up, dragging his attention away from my sister.

"Before the prisoners are taken back to Amoria, I want to review them."

"Of course, Preeminence."

"Thank you." I turn to my sister. "Gwen, are you all right?"

She gives me a sad smile. "Yes. I merely sprained it. Hardly anything compared to Colton. Have you"—she looks down at her arm—"heard anything?"

"Nothing besides that Vienna is with him."

"Yes." She frowns. "I hardly think he'll be in any pain at all with her there."

"You're probably right."

"Tobias said you promised them food. Does the offer extend to us?"

I massage my nose. My Order is completely out of hand. "I only ever promised it to Iris, but if Tobias is going around claiming I promised it to the rest of them, I suppose I have my honor to uphold." I doubt I'll be able to eat anything

Not with an Amoris out there who is probably spilling my greatest secret right at this moment.

"Before we go, I have things to take care of," I say.

It's time to check the prisoners again.

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